Generate a tree from an adjacent database structure

0.4.11 2023-02-14 10:30 UTC


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Render an adjacent datamodel to the desired html output.

Create a single node

// Create a node and attach a child node ot it
$node = new Node('foobar');
$node->addChildren(new Node('fooberry'));

This is fine when dealing with small, isolated datasets. When you need to inject a larger amount of records, you'll want to load all that data at once.

Using a dataset

Usually you'll want to use a collection with values coming from a database. Two methods provide this functionality: NodeCollection::fromArray() and NodeCollection::fromSource() allow you to transpose an entire array of records at once to a node collection.

When using NodeCollection::fromArray(), it is assumed that each record has the following:

  • a property id which provides an unique reference to the entry.
  • a property parent_id which is used by a child entry to refer to its parent entry.
// flat dataset as pulled from database
$dataset = [
    ['id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'label' => 'foobar'],
    ['id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'label' => 'baz'],
    ['id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'label' => 'bazbaz'],

$collection = NodeCollection::fromArray($dataset);

Using a custom dataset

You can provide a custom data source. Here's how you use it:

// Using a custom source
$collection = NodeCollection::fromSource(
    new ArraySource($dataset)

This is useful when your data does not contain the defaultid or parent_id properties. With a custom source, you can set which is the nodeKeyIdentifier (id) and the nodeParentKeyIdentifier (parent id). A custom source should honour the \Vine\Source interface:

interface Source
   // array of all entries.
    public function nodeEntries(): array;

    // property to identify the key (default is 'id')
    public function nodeKeyIdentifier(): string;

    // property to identify the parent key (default is 'parent_id')
    public function nodeParentKeyIdentifier(): string;

NodeCollection Api

  • all(): array - Return all the nodes as array
  • first(): ?Node - Return the first node
  • last(): ?Node - Return the last node
  • isEmpty(): bool - checks if this collection is empty.
  • findMany($key, array $values): NodeCollection - Find nodes by value.
  • find($key, $value): ?Node - Find a node by value.
  • total(): int - total of all nodes, including their children.
  • count(): int - total of all top level nodes.
  • add(Node ...$nodes) - add a new Node to the collection
  • merge(NodeCollection $nodeCollection) - merge another collection into this one.
  • map(callable $callback) - loop over and modify each top level node value
  • mapRecursive(callable $callback) - loop over and modify each node value
  • each(callable $callback) - loop over each top level node value
  • sort($key) - sort all the nodes by given key
  • copy($depth = null): NodeCollection - copy the collection into a new NodeCollection
  • remove(Node $child) - remove a given Node from this collection.
  • flatten(): NodeCollection - Return flattened list of all nodes in this collection.
  • inflate(): NodeCollection - Inflate a flattened collection back to its original structure.
  • pluck($key, $value = null, $down = true): array - Get flat array of plucked values from child nodes.
  • slice(Node ...$nodes): NodeCollection - Slice one or more nodes out of the collection.
  • shake(callable $callback): NodeCollection - Filter collection to those nodes that pass the callback (Shaking a collection will keep the ancestor structure).
  • prune(callable $callback): NodeCollection - Same as shake() except that it will not keep the ancestor structure.

Node Api

  • equals(Node $other) - check if the given node is the same object as this one
  • addChildren($children) - add Nodes as children of this node.
  • children(): NodeCollection - get the direct children of this node.
  • hasChildren(): bool - check if this node has any children.
  • sort($key) - sort the children by given sort key.
  • entry($key = null, $default = null) - Return the data entry or a given property of the entry.
  • replaceEntry($entry) - Replace the entry data with the given parameter.
  • parent(Node $parent = null) - Return the parent or, if argument is passed, set the parent for this Node.
  • remove(Node $node = null) - Remove this node or detaches a child node.
  • move(Node $parent) - Move a child node to a different parent.
  • moveToRoot() - Move the node to the top level.
  • depth(): int - At which depth does this node resides inside the entire tree.
  • count(): int - Return the count of all direct child nodes.
  • total(): int - Return the total count of all child nodes.
  • isLeaf(): bool - Is this Node a leaf node? Meaning it has no child nodes.
  • isRoot(): bool - Is this Node a root node? Meaning it has no parent.
  • has($key, $value): bool - Does the Node has given value in its data entry?
  • findMany($key, array $values): NodeCollection - Find child nodes by given value.
  • find($key, $value): ?Node - Find child node by given value.
  • ancestors($depth = null): NodeCollection - Return all ancestor nodes of this node.
  • pluck($key, $value = null, $down = true): array - Get flat array of plucked values from child nodes.
  • pluckAncestors($key, $value = null, $down = true): array - Get flat array of plucked values from parent nodes.
  • copy($depth = null): Node - Creates and returns a copy of this node.
  • isolatedCopy(): Node - Creates and returns a copy of this node without parent or child relationships.
  • shake(callable $callback): Node - Filter collection to the nodes that pass the callback (Shaking a collection will keep the ancestor structure).
  • prune(callable $callback): Node - Same as shake() except that it will not keep the ancestor structure.