
Laravel Bootstrap Blade components for Select2 & Bootstrap 5.

v0.2-alpha 2021-07-03 10:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:48:45 UTC


Based on the components of


Run composer to install the package

composer require thiktak/laravel-bootstrap-component-select2

Include css

Include on your resources/scss/app.scss the line:

@import 'vendor/thiktak/laravel-bootstrap-component-select2/resources/scss/select2';

Include Javascript

Include on your resources/js/app.js the line:



npm run dev

Use the component on your blades

<x-bs::select2 :label="__('User')" :options="['1' => 'Admin']" what="User" wire:model.defer="user_id" />

This bs::select2 component use the bs:select of You can use all the options of this component.

Here, the important part is the what="Model", with Model = App\Models\User or User

Configure your models

  1. Implement the trait Select2Searchable
  2. Fill the protected variable $search2Fields with list of columns to be added in the where closure
  3. Implement the __toString() model method if you want to have a beautiful output
use Thiktak\LaravelBootstrapComponentSelect2\Models\Search2Proxies\Select2Searchable;

class User extends Model
    use Select2Searchable;

    // Will use magic search
    protected $search2Fields = ['name', 'title'];

    // [...]


You can redefine the methods search2 and search2_export if required.

You can also create a proxy and build you own query. The Select2Proxy implement automatically the Select2Searchable trait. The proxy should be on App\Models\Search2Proxies folder.

namespace App\Models\Search2Proxies;

use Thiktak\LaravelBootstrapComponentSelect2\Models\Search2Proxies\Select2Proxy;

class UserProxy extends Select2Proxy
     * protected $search2Fields = ['name', 'title'];

     * METHOD getModel
     * Define your own model
     * Used by magic method select2, if not overwritten
    public function getModel() {
        return new \App\Models\User;

     * Method Select2
     * Will return a query object based on the keyword searched
     * ... or the ID provided
    public function select2($id, $term) {
        return $this->getModel()
            // Search by ID
            ->when($id, function($q) use($id) {
                // no return
                // OR $q->where($this->getModel()->getPrimaryKey(), $id)
            ->when(!$id, function($q) use($term) {
                return $q
                    ->where('name', 'like', '%' . $term . '%')

     * Method Export_select2
     * Will export array data based on Select2 format id/text
    public function export_select2(User $user) {
        // id   => '1'
        // text => 'Admin ('
        return [
            'id'   => $user->id,
            'text' => sprintf('%s (%s)', $user->name, $user->email),

    // [...]


Test the API

You can test the data exported to the select by opening directly /api/select2/search?what=User&q=a If needed, you can use {{ route('') }}


  • what = the model to be used (i.e.: User or App\Models\User)
  • q = search keyword


  • results: [{id: 1, text: "label"}]
  • error: { code: 200, message: null }

Use the error code to know what happens.


  • Use Proxy for Model (App\Models\Search2Proxies<ModelName>Proxy)


  • Added select2/autoload values (fetch data via API in order to keep label synchronization)
  • Added possibility to fetch by ID or by term
  • Added Proxy model