
THG Open API client

1.3.6 2024-07-30 13:06 UTC


PHP Client for easier use of Open API

    $thgHostingClient = new ThgHosting\ThgHostingClient($_ENV['X-Api-Token']);


composer require thg/thg-client



Creates custom request to chosen EP.

        string $method,         // Allowed methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH
        string $endpoint,       // Path to chosen EP for example: "ssd-vps/plans"
        array $arguments = [],  // Body of request
        array $files     = [    // Files to send with request
                // Mime type of file
                "mime" => "image/png",
                // Name of file
                "name" => "file.png",
                // Base64 encoded file
            "/path/to/file.pdf" // Absolute path to file

Get SSD VPS Plans

Returns SSD VPS Plans with net price in USD.


Get SSD VPS Locations

Returns SSD VPS Locations.


Get Custom OSes for SSD VPS

Returns Custom OSes for SSD VPS.

        int $locationId // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)

Create an SSD VPS Server

Creates an SSD VPS Server.

        int     $locationId,              // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        string  $label,                   // Label for the new SSD VPS Server
        string  $hostname,                // Hostname for the new SSD VPS Server
        string  $productName,             // name of the chosen SSD VPS plan (see “Get SSD VPS Plans”)
        ?string $osComponentCode  = null, // Optional; Component code of the SSD VPS operating system (see “Get SSD VPS Operating Systems”) (you have to pass either os_component_code or custom_template_id)
        ?bool   $backups          = null, // Optional; If set to true, server will be created with Backup Protection
        ?bool   $billHourly       = null, // Optional; If set to true, billing will be set hourly, otherwise monthly billing will be used
        ?int    $customTemplateId = null  // Optional; Pass here the Template ID of Custom OS (see “Get Custom OSes for SSD VPS”) (you have to pass either os_component_code or custom_template_id)

Get SSD VPS Operating Systems

Returns SSD VPS Operating Systems.

        int $locationId // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)

Get SSD VPS Servers

Returns SSD VPS Servers.

        ?int $locationId = null // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)

Get SSD VPS Server Details

Returns an SSD VPS Server’s details.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Delete SSD VPS Server

Deletes an SSD VPS Server.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server.

Get SSD VPS Server Status

Returns an SSD VPS Server’s status.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Power On an SSD VPS Server

Startup an SSD VPS Server.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Power Off SSD VPS Server

Shutdown an SSD VPS Server.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Reboot SSD VPS Server

Reboot an SSD VPS Server.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Reboot an SSD VPS Server in Recovery Mode

Reboot an SSD VPS in Recovery Mode.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Reset Password of an SSD VPS Server

Change the virtual machine’s root password to regain control of a machine should root access be lost or forgotten.

        int     $locationId,        // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int     $serverId,          // ID of the SSD VPS Server
        ?string $newPassword = null // Root password to set. Must be between 6 and 32 characters and valid for the OS of the target virtual machine.

Get SSD VPS Server Backups

Returns an SSD VPS Server’s Backups.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId    // ID of the SSD VPS Server

Add Note to an SSD VPS Server Backup

Add note to an SSD VPS Server’s backup.

        int    $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int    $serverId,   // ID of the SSD VPS Server
        int    $backupId,   // ID of the SSD VPS Backup (see “Get SSD VPS Server Backups”)
        string $note        // Note

Delete SSD VPS Server Backup

Deletes an SSD VPS Server’s Backup.

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId,   // ID of the SSD VPS Server
        int $backupId    // ID of the SSD VPS Backup (see “Get SSD VPS Server Backups”)

Restore SSD VPS Server with Backup

Restore an SSD VPS Backup. (Overwrites existing SSD VPS with backed up image).

        int $locationId, // ID of the SSD VPS Location (see “Get SSD VPS Locations”)
        int $serverId,   // ID of the SSD VPS Server
        int $backupId    // ID of the SSD VPS Backup (see “Get SSD VPS Server Backups”)

Get Service Details

Get details for a service with net price in USD.

        int $serviceId // ID of the Service

Get DNS Zones

Get all DNS zones.


Create DNS Zone

Create a DNS zone.

        string $domainName, // Name of the domain
        string $ip          // IP address

Get DNS Zone Details

Get DNS zone information.

        int $zoneId // ID of the DNS Zone (see “Get DNS Zones”)

Delete DNS Zone

Remove a DNS zone.

        int $zoneId // ID of the DNS Zone (see “Get DNS Zones”)

Add Record to DNS Zone

Adds a DNS record to the specified zone.

        int     $zoneId             // ID of the DNS Zone (see “Get DNS Zones”)
        string  $type,              // Zone type (A / AAAA etc.)
        string  $host,              // Host name or IP address
        string  $content,           // Content depending on the zone type, example:
        int     $ttl,               // Time to live - the added record or time to ping/fetch the updated records
        ?string $service    = null, // The symbolic name of the desired service. (only when record type SRV)
        ?string $protocol   = null, // The transport protocol of the desired service. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $port       = null, // The TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $weight     = null, // A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means higher chance of getting picked. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $mxPriority = null  // The priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred. (only when record type SRV or MX)

Update DNS Zone Record

Update an existing DNS zone record.

        int     $zoneId,            // ID of the DNS Zone (see “Get DNS Zones”)
        int     $recordId,          // ID of the DNS Zone record (see “Get DNS Zone Details”)
        string  $host,              // Host name or IP address
        string  $content,           // Content depending on the zone type, example:
        int     $ttl,               // Time to live - the added record or time to ping/fetch the updated records
        ?string $service    = null, // The symbolic name of the desired service. (only when record type SRV)
        ?string $protocol   = null, // The transport protocol of the desired service. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $port       = null, // The TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $weight     = null, // A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means higher chance of getting picked. (only when record type SRV)
        ?int    $mxPriority = null  // The priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred. (only when record type SRV or MX)

Delete DNS Zone Record

Remove a DNS record.

        int $zoneId,  // ID of the DNS Zone (see “Get DNS Zones”)
        int $recordId // ID of the DNS Zone record

Get Servers

Get a list of all servers assigned to an account.


Get Server Details

Get full server profile.

        string $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Get Server Power Status

Retrieve the current power state of the given dedicated server.

        string $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Power On Server

Request the specified dedicated server to be turned on.

        string $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Power Off Server

Request the specified dedicated server to be turned off.

        string $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Reboot Server

Request the specified dedicated server to be rebooted.

        string $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Change Server Friendly Name

Request friendly name change of specified dedicated server.

        string $serverId, // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Set rDNS entry for IP address

Set rDNS entry for IP address of specified dedicated server.

        string $serverId, // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)
	string $ipAddress, //IP address the domain name should be associated with

Get Server Bandwidth Graph

Get a graphical representation of the bandwidth usage for a specific server over the given period.

        int    $serverId,           // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)
        string $periodStart = null, // Optional. And RFC3339/ISO8601 date-time string representing the start of period of the dataset. Defaults to the start of today.
        string $periodEnd   = null  // Optional. And RFC3339/ISO8601 date-time string representing the end of period of the dataset. Defaults to one month before the start of today

Get Server OS List

Get a list of available operating systems for provisioning a specific server.

        int $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Reimage Server

Reimage a server with a new operating system.

        int    $serverId,       // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)
        string $osCode,         // Code of the OS to reimage the server with (see “Get Server OS List”)
        string $reason = null   // Optional. Reason for reimage

Get IPMI details for server

Get IPMI details for server.

        int $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Create VPN user to access IPMI interface

Create VPN user to access IPMI interface.

        int $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Delete VPN access to IPMI interface

Delete VPN access to IPMI interface.

        int $serverId // ID of the Server (see “Get Servers”)

Get Tickets

Get a list of active support tickets.


Create Ticket

Create a new support ticket.

        string $body,            // Ticket body
        string $subject,         // Subject
        int    $department  = 0, // Ticket Department - Default: 0 (General)
        int    $priority    = 0, // Priority of a Ticket (Default: 0 = Low, 1= Normal, 2 = High, 3 = Urgent)
        array  $attachments = [] // How to attach files you can find described in `request` method

Get Ticket Departments

Get a list of ticket queues by department.


Get Ticket Details

Get the details of a specified support ticket.

        int $ticketId // ID of the ticket (see “Get Tickets”)

Update Ticket

Update status of existing support ticket.

        int  $ticketId,           // ID of the ticket (see “Get Tickets”)
        int  $priority    = 0,    // Priority of a Ticket (Default: 0 = Low, 1= Normal, 2 = High, 3 = Urgent)
        bool $closeTicket = false // Set to true will close the ticket

Add Reply to Ticket

Add reply to a specific support ticket.

        int    $ticketId,        // ID of the ticket (see “Get Tickets”)
        string $body,            // Ticket body
        array  $attachments = [] // How to attach files you can find described in `request` method

Get Status Updates

Get a list of active status updates.


Get Datacenters

Returns all datacenters.


Get Product Categories

Returns product categories.


Get Products

Returns all products in category and location.

        int $locationId, // ID of the location (see “Get All Locations”)
        int $categoryId  // ID of the category (see “Get All Categories”)

Get Product Details

Returns Product Details.

        int $locationId, // ID of the location (see “Get All Locations”)
        int $categoryId  // ID of the category (see “Get All Categories”)
        int $productId   // ID of the product (see “Get Products”)

Get Calculated Price with Tax

Returns calculated price with tax for order.

    $body = [
            "product_id"    => 265,
            "quantity"      => 1,
            "price"         => 354.9,
            "datacenter_id" => 12,
            "duration_id"   => 2,
            "addons"        => [
                    "addon_id"        => 4,
                    "selected_option" => 2,
                    "price"           => 10
        array $body

Get Payment Methods

Returns payment methods.


Get Billing Services

Returns customer services.

        ?bool $showAddOns,  //Show the add-ons belonging to each service
        ?string $sortBy,    //Sort by column (service_id/createdon)
        ?string $direction, //Sort direction (default asc)
        ?int $offset,       //If set, returns records starting from this offset
        ?int $limit         //If set, limits the number of records

Get Billing Invoices

Returns customer invoices.

        ?int $offset,       //If set, returns records starting from this offset
        ?int $limit         //If set, limits the number of records

Get SSL Certificates

Returns SSL Certificates

        ?int $offset,                     //If set, returns records starting from this offset
        ?int $limit                       //If set, limits the number of records
        bool $collected = false           //If true, returns only collected certificates

Create an SSL Certificate

This method serves two purposes; it validates the CSR and other needed fields, as well as returns possible domain control validation (DCV) email addresses, which are needed to validate domain ownership. These emails are returned in the 'text' array of successful calls

        string $domain, //FQDN for which the SSL is being requested for
        string $csr     //CSR generated for the request

Apply an SSL Certificate

This method serves two purposes; it validates the CSR and other needed fields, as well as returns possible domain control validation (DCV) email addresses, which are needed to validate domain ownership. These emails are returned in the 'text' array of successful calls

        string $domain,         //FQDN for which the SSL is being requested for
        string $csr,            //CSR generated for the request
        string $email,          //Verification email address provided by createSSLCertificate()
        int $serverSoftware     //Type of server
                                //2 - Apache
                                //10 - Java-based servers
                                //14 - Microsoft IIS 5.x to 6.x
                                //35 - Microsoft IIS 7.x and later
                                //36 - nginx
                                //18 - Oracle
                                //30 - Plesk
                                //31 - WHM/cPanel
                                //-1 - OTHER

Download an SSL Certificate

Downloads an SSL Certificate

        int $certificateId  //ID of the SSL certificate

Submit Order for Processing

Submit order for processing.

    $body = [
        "order" => [
                "category_id" => 2,
                "product_id" => 265,
                "quantity" => 1,
                "price" => 354.9,
                "datacenter_id" => 12,
                "duration_id" => 2,
                "addons" => [],
                "sales_tax" => 0
        "paymentMethodId" => 21,
        "contact_data" => [
        	"address" => "816 Address",
        	"city"  => "city",
        	"company" => "Company",
        	"country" => "US",
        	"county" => "County 1",
        	"email" => "",
        	"first_name" => "John",
        	"last_name" => "Doe",
        	"phone" => "+44 11 2222 3333",
        	"postcode" => "12345"
        array $body

Get Service Upgrades

Returns a list of available upgrades for chosen service.

        int $service_id  // ID of the Service (see “Get Services”)

Upgrade Service

Upgrades service.

    // Example of IP Count with all possible options, you can send only those that have value over 0
    $ipCount = [
        "vpn"         => 0,
        "sqldb"       => 0,
        "ssl_cert"    => 0,
        "terminal"    => 0,
        "application" => 0,
        "voice"       => 0,
        "media"       => 0,
        "mailing"     => 0,
        "other"       => 0,

        int    $serviceId,      // To which server add chosen Upgrade (see “Get Services”)
        string $addonCode,      // Upgrade category code (see “Get Upgrades”)
        string $optionCode,     // Upgrade Code (see “Get Upgrades”)
        string $details = '',   // Reason explaining the need for upgrade (Required for IP Request)
        int    $quantity = 1    // The amount of Upgrades (Ignore when sending requuest for more IPs)
        ?array $ipCount = null  // Required only when sending request for new IP. Describes the amount and type of needed IPs.

Get Microsoft Licenses

Returns Microsoft Licenses

        int $serviceId,      // Server service ID to get a list of licenses

Get Microsoft License Details

Returns Microsoft License Details

        int $serviceId,      // Server service ID for retrieving of an MS license details which belongs to
        int $licenseId,      // License ID to get an MS license details

Delete Microsoft License

Deletes a Microsoft License

        int $serviceId,      // Server service ID for deleting of an MS license which belongs to
        int $licenseId,      // License ID to delete

Get Available Microsoft License Products

Returns A List Of Microsoft License Products

        int $serviceId,      // Server service ID to get a list of license products

List SSH keys Data

Returns A List Of SSH Keys


Add An SSH Key

Creates New SSH Key Record

        string $key,        // Public RSA Key to be stored
        string $label,      // Label for SSH Key

Update Label For An Existing SSH Key

Updates Label For SSH Key Given Id

        int $sshId,         // The ID for the SSH Key to be updated
        string $label,      // The new label for the SSH Key

Delete An SSH Key

Delete An SSH Key Of The Given Id

        int $sshId,         // The ID of the SSH Key to be deleted

Get An SSH Key With Id

Returns An SSH Key Given Id

        int $sshId,      // The ID of the SSH Key to be fetched

Get list of server inventory

Returns server inventory list

        ?int $datacenterId = null,
        ?string $cpuBrand = null,
        ?int $minCpuCores = null,
        ?int $maxCpuCores = null,
        ?float $minCpuSpeed = null,
        ?float $maxCpuSpeed = null,
        ?int $minRam = null,
        ?int $maxRam = null,
        ?string $storageType = null,
        ?int $minStorage = null,
        ?int $maxStorage = null,
        ?int $minNic = null,
        ?int $maxNic = null,
        ?float $minPrice = null,
        ?float $maxPrice = null,
        ?bool $raidEnabled = null,
        ?string $sortBy = null,
        ?string $direction = null

Create new bare metal server order

Creates new bare metal server order

        string $skuProductName,
        int $quantity,
        string $locationCode,
        string $operatingSystemProductCode,     //Find available OS product codes by calling the list addons endpoint
        ?string $licenseProductCode = null,     //Find available license product codes by calling the list addons endpoint
        ?int $additionalBandwidthTb = null, 
        ?string $supportLevelProductCode = null //Find available managed support product codes by calling the list addons endpoint

List Available addons for bare metal server order

Returns list of all available addons for a bare metal server

        string $skuProductName, 
        string $locationCode