
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the awesome9/database package instead.

A WordPress Query builder

1.0.9 2018-08-09 09:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-08-21 14:16:41 UTC


Build Status

WordPress Query Builder

An expressive query builder for WordPress. Build for developers by developers.

How to use in managed environments

If you wish to use this extension in a managed environment, simply install using composer:

composer require thewpleague/wp-query-builder

To use the Query builder


$table = new TheLeague\Database\Database::table( 'users' );
$table = wp_query_builder( 'users' );

$table->where( 'id', 2 )
  ->orderBy( 'id', 'desc' )
  ->limit( 20 )

Data Sanitisation

The purpose of this library is to provide an expressive and safe* way to run queries against your WordPress database (typically involving custom tables).

To this end all values provided are escaped, but note that column and table names are not yet escaped. In any case, even if they were you should be whitelisting any allowed columns/tables: otherwise using user-input, or other untrusted data to determine the column/table could allow an attacker to retrieve data they shouldn't or generate a map of your database.


Select statement

$table = new TheLeague\Database\Database::table( 'users' )

// select * from wp_users

// select distinct * from wp_users

// select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from wp_users

Specify columns for Select statement

// select id from wp_users
$table->select( 'id' )->get();

// select id, user_login from wp_users
$table->select( 'id, user_login' )->get();

// select id, user_login from wp_users
$table->select( array( 'id', 'user_login' ) )->get();

// select id, user_login as username from wp_users
$table->select( array( 'id', 'user_login as username' ) )->get();

// select id, user_login as username from wp_users
$table->select( array(
	'user_login' => 'username'
) )->get();

Select statement with count, sum, avg

// select count(*) from wp_users

// select count( id ) as count from wp_users
$table->selectCount( 'id', 'count' )->get();

// select sum( id ) as total from wp_users
$table->selectSum( 'id', 'total' )->get();

// select avg( id ) as average from wp_users
$table->selectAvg( 'id', 'average' )->get();

Select a single row

// select * from wp_users WHERE user_email = '' LIMIT 0, 1;
$table->where( 'user_email', '' )->one();

To retrieve a value

$email = $table->select( 'user_email' )->where( 'ID', 123 )->getVar();

Insert statement

// insert into wp_users columnA, columbB values(`value`, `value`)
	'columnA' => 'value',
	'columnB' => 'value',
), array( '%s', '%s' ) );

Update statement

// update wp_users set foo = `bar`
$table->set( 'foo', 'bar' )->update();

// update wp_users set foo = `bar`, bar = `foo`
$table->set( 'foo', 'bar' )
	->set( 'bar', 'foo' )

// update wp_users set foo = `bar`, bar = `foo`
	'foo' => 'bar',
	'bar' => 'foo',

// update wp_users set foo = `bar` where id = 1 limit 0,1
$table->set( 'foo', 'bar' )
	->where( 'id', 1 )
	->limit( 1 )

Delete statement

// delete from wp_users where id = 1 limit 0,1
$table->where( 'id', 1 )->limit( 1 )->delete();

// truncate table wp_users

Where statement

// select * from wp_users where id = 2
$table->where( 'id', 2 )->get();

// select * from wp_users where id != 42
$table->where( 'id', '!=', 42 )->get();

// select * from wp_users where id = 2 and active = 1
$table->where( 'id', 2 )->where( 'active', 1 )->get();
$table->where( 'id', 2 )->andWhere( 'active', 1 )->get();

// select * from wp_users where id = 2 or active = 1
$table->where( 'id', 2 )->orWhere( 'active', 1 )->get();

// select * from wp_users where ( a = 'b' or c = 'd' )
$table->orWhere( array(
	array( 'a', 'b' ),
	array( 'c', 'd' ),
) )->get();

// select * from wp_users where a = 1 or ( a > 10 and a < 20 )
$table->where( 'a', 1 )
	->orWhere( array(
		array( 'a', '>', 10 ),
		array( 'a', '<', 20 ),
	), 'and' )->get();

// select * from wp_users where a = 1 or ( a > 10 and a < 20 ) and c = 30
$table->where( 'a', 1 )
	->orWhere( array(
		array( 'a', '>', 10 ),
		array( 'a', '<', 20 ),
	), 'and' )
	->andWhere( 'c', 30 )->get();

// select * from wp_users where id in (23, 25, 30)
$table->whereIn( 'id', array( 23, 25, 30 ) );

// select * from wp_users where id not in (23, 25, 30)
$table->whereNotIn( 'id', array( 23, 25, 30 ) );

// select * from wp_users where skills in ('php', 'javascript', 'ruby')
$table->whereIn( 'skills', array( 'php', 'javascript', 'ruby' ) );

// select * from wp_users where id between 10 and 100
$table->whereBetween( 'id', array( 10, 100 ) );

// select * from wp_users where id not between 10 and 100
$table->whereNotBetween( 'id', array( 10, 100 ) );

// select * from wp_users where dates between '10-04-2018' and '10-09-2018'
$table->whereBetween( 'dates', array( '10-04-2018', '10-09-2018' ) );

// select * from wp_users where id is null
$table->whereNull( 'id' )->get();

// select * from wp_users where name is not null
$table->whereNotNull( 'name' )->get();

Groupby and Having statement

// select * from wp_users group by id
$table->groupBy( 'id' )->get();

// select count(id) as total, post_id from phpunit where post_id > 10 group by post_id having count(id) > 25
$table->selectCount( 'id', 'total' )
	->select( 'post_id' )
	->whereIn( 'post_id', '>', 10 )
	->groupBy( 'post_id' )
	->having( 'count(id)', '>', 25 );

Orderby statement

// select * from wp_users order by id asc
$table->orderBy( 'id' )->get();

// select * from wp_users order by id desc
$table->orderBy( 'id', 'desc' )->get();

// select * from wp_users order by firstname desc, lastname desc
$table->orderBy( 'firstname, lastname', 'desc' )->get();

// select * from wp_users order by firstname asc, lastname desc
	'firstname' => 'asc',
	'lastname'  => 'desc',
) )->get();

// select * from wp_users order by firstname <> nick
$table->orderBy( 'firstname <> nick', null )->get();

Limit statement

// select * from wp_users limit 0, 1
$table->limit( 1 )->get();

// select * from wp_users limit 20, 10
$table->limit( 10, 20 )->get();

// select * from wp_users limit 20, 10
$table->page( 2, 10 )->get();


  • Add joins
  • Add query cache system