
Create a menu with blade directive

v1.0.1 2020-03-21 19:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 04:15:50 UTC


Create a menu for navigation with blade directive


Just install the package via composer

composer require therour/menu-directive


  1. Publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Therour\MenuDirective\MenuDirectiveServiceProvider"
  1. You can change the builder with your own class to match your UI in the config/menu-directive.php file. the example builder is defined on default config.
'builder' => Therour\MenuDirective\BootstrapMenuBuilder::class,

Create Menu Builder

-- WIP --

Create menu

@sidebarHeading('Heading 1') // output Heading 1

@sidebarMenu([ // Create Menu
    'title' => 'Application',
    'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-cubes',
    'url' => '#',
    // 'active' => '/' // define your url pattern to match for giving active class
    // by default is current url == menu's url will set the menu's class active.

@sidebarDropdown([ // Create Dropdown menu
    'title' => 'Dropdowns',
    'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-cubes',
    'active' => '/dropdowns/*' // same as menu's active url pattern
    ], function ($dropdown) {
        $dropdown->heading('Heading:'); // add heading inside dropdown
        $dropdown->menu(['title' => 'Sub Menu 1', 'url' => url('dropdowns/1')]);
        $dropdown->menu(['title' => 'Sub Menu 2', 'url' => url('dropdowns/2')]);
        $dropdown->menu(['title' => 'Sub Menu 3', 'url' => url('dropdowns/3')]);
        $dropdown->menu(['title' => 'Sub Menu 4', 'url' => url('dropdowns/4')]);