
Class-based routing for Laravel

dev-master 2022-08-19 10:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 15:29:44 UTC


A really basic solution to class-based routing for Laravel. It's very simplistic and probably needs a lot of work. I only wrote this for myself and isn't really intended for the wider world.

I don't intend to provide much support for this package and will likely only update it when I need to. I'm not even sure I'll continue to use it. It's more of an experiment really.

But if you really want to use it, then by all means, install it with Composer:

composer require thepublicgood/routine

Once installed, publish the config file with:

php ./artisan vendor:publish --provider="TPG\Routine\RoutineServiceProvider"

This will place a routine.php file in your config directory. Now create a new empty class and extend the TPG\Routine\RouteRegistrar class. Create new methods that are prefixed with map and suffixed with Routes. Routine will call each method and map the defined routes.

Each map method must accept an instance of Illuminate\Routing\Router:

use App\Http\Controllers\SessionController;
use Illuminuate\Routing\Router;
use TPG\Routine\RouteRegistrar;

class AuthRoutes extends RouteRegistrar
    protected function mapWebRoutes(Router $router): void
        $router->middleware(['guest'])->group(function (Router $router) {
            $router->get('/login', [SessionController::class, 'create'])->name('login');
            $router->post('/login', [SessionController::class, 'store']);
        $router->middleware(['auth'])->post('/logout', [SessionController:class, 'destroy'])->name('logout');

By default, Routine will set default middleware depending on the name of the method. You can find these defaults in the routine.php config file. For example, the method mapWebRoutes will automatically use the middleware set as the web default. The method mapApiRoutes will automatically use the middleware set as the api default. This means you could create a default called ajax for example, and the method mapAjaxRoutes will automatically set those middleware.

Middleware Contracts

In addition, it can be useful to apply middleware for an entire route file. For example, if you need to specify that a set of routes need authentication. You can do this by implementing the TPG\Routing\Contracts\RequiresAuthentication interface:

use Illuminuate\Routing\Router;
use TPG\Routine\Contracts\RequiresAuthentication;
use TPG\Routine\RouteRegistrar;

class DashboardRoutes extends RouteRegistrar implements RequiresAuthentication
    // ...

Routine includes a RequiresAuthentication, RequiresSanctumAuthentication and a SignedRoute contract by default. If you add your own, ensure that you add them to the routine.php config file.