
Laravel Source Code Encryptor 2023-03-29 13:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:21 UTC


This package encrypts your php code with phpBolt

For Laravel 9*


Step 1

You have to install phpBolt.

Step 2

Require the package with composer using the following command:

composer require thedepart3d/laravel-source-encryption

Step 3

For Laravel

The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...

Step 4 (Optional)

You can publish the config file with this following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="thedepart3d\LaravelSourceEncryption\EncryptServiceProvider" --tag=encryptionConfig


Open terminal in project root and run this command:

php artisan encrypt-source

This command encrypts files and directories in config/source-encryption.php file. Default values are app, database, routes, config.

The default destination directory is encrypted-source. You can change it in config/source-encryption.php file.

Also the default encryption key length is 16. You can change it in config/source-encryption.php file. 6 is the recommended key length.

This command has these optional options:

Option Description Example
source Path(s) to encrypt app,routes,public/a.php
destination Destination directory encrypted-source
key Custom Encryption key
keylength Encryption key length 16
force Force the operation to run when destination directory already exists

Usage Examples

Command Description
php artisan encrypt-source Encrypts with default source, destination and keylength. If the destination directory exists, asks for delete it.
php artisan encrypt-source --force Encrypts with default source, destination and keylength. If the destination directory exists, deletes it.
php artisan encrypt-source --source=app Encrypts app directory to the default destination with default keylength.
php artisan encrypt-source --destination=encrypted-source Encrypts with default source and key length to encrypted-source directory.
php artisan encrypt-source --destination=encrypted-source --keylength=8 Encrypts default source to encrypted-source directory and the encryption key length is 8.
php artisan encrypt-source --destination=encrypted-source --key="somecustomstrongstring" Encrypts default source to encrypted-source directory and the encryption key is somecustomstrongstring

Updated with ♥ by The Departed

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