
Ogame Class for use public ogame api

dev-master 2021-07-22 15:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 21:31:09 UTC


PHP class for retreive info on the GameForge's OGame public api


composer require theconcepteur/ogame-public-api:dev-master


the class contruct take 3 arguments : number of the server,locale, and boolean for activated the cache or not (strongly recommanded !)

use OgamePublicApi\OgamePublicApi;
$og = new OgamePublicApi(179,'fr',true);


Get list of player (call at init)


Get list of Alliances (call at init)


Retrieve info about Planet and Moon of the Player with id = $id


With cache system on, you can retrieves player data along with his planets and moon in one call :


Cache System

This class provide a built-in cache system. 2 cache file type exist : xml and json

xml cache the ogame api file

json cache the internal system file

At class init we build the alliances and players list, and we pre-create the player_X.json file.

When we call the $og->getPlayerData($id) we write the xml file of this call AND we update the player_X.json with this data.

This way we have a complete file with all players data.

Each api call have a related files and this files have different cache expiration time. This time is configure in the cacheValid function accordingly to the info we have on the official interval.