
World location data

v2.0.0 2025-02-21 22:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 20:35:38 UTC


World is a powerful PHP and Laravel package for retrieving structured geographical data, including continents, countries, provinces, and cities. This package is lightweight, optimized for performance, and seamlessly integrates with Laravel applications.

πŸš€ Features

βœ” Get all continents, countries, provinces, and cities
βœ” Filter countries by continent
βœ” Retrieve provinces and cities for any country
βœ” Optimized for high performance with caching
βœ” Compatible with Laravel and PHP
βœ” Includes migrations and seeding for easy setup
βœ” includes a Laravel Facade for simpler usage!

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install via Composer:

composer require thecoder/world

If auto-discovery is not working, manually add the service provider in config/app.php:


πŸ”§ Publish Configuration & Migrations for Greater Flexibility

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TheCoder\World\WorldServiceProvider"

This will publish:
βœ… config/world.php (configuration file)
βœ… Database migration files

πŸ›  Migrate the Database

php artisan migrate

🌍 Seed Geographical Data

php artisan world:seed

This will populate the database with continents, countries, provinces, and cities.

πŸ” Usage

1️⃣ Using the Built-in World Facade (Recommended)

The package now includes a World Facade, making it easier to access data:

use World;

$continents = World::continents()->get();  // Get all continents
$countries = World::countries()->get();  // Get all countries

2️⃣ Manually Instantiate the Class

use TheCoder\World;

$world = new World();

$continents = $world->continents()->get();  
$countries = $world->countries()->get();  

Get Locations

$location = World::byId(1)->first();

$location = World::byEnglishName('Asia')->first();

$locations = World::byIds([1,2])->get();

$locations = World::byEnglishNames(['Iraq', 'Iran'])->get();

$location = World::count();  

Get Countries by Continent

$asia = World::continents('Asia')->first();

$asia = World::continents()->byEnglishName('Asia')->first();  

$asiaCountries = World::continents()->byEnglishName('Asia')->countries()->get();  

Get Provinces & Cities

$iranProvinces = World::countries('Iran')->provinces()->get();

$iranProvinces = World::countries()->byEnglishName('Iran')->provinces()->get();

$gilanCities = World::provinces('Gilan')->cities()->get();  
$gilanCities = World::provinces()->byEnglishName('Gilan')->cities()->get();  

⚑Caching for Maximum Performance

Since the World database is static and never changes, this package supports permanent caching to eliminate redundant database queries and significantly improve performance.

Enable Caching

You can enable caching in the config/world.php file:

  'cache' => [
      'enabled' => true,
      'prefix' => 'thecoder-world-',
      'tag' => 'thecoder-world',
      'ttl' => null, // Store cache forever

Setting ttl to null ensures that data is cached forever.

Use Cached Data in Queries

If caching is enabled, queries will automatically store results in the cache forever.

Manually Clear Cache (If Needed)

To clear the cache manually, run:

  php artisan cache:clear

Or in code:


πŸ— Package-Integrated Laravel Facade

The package now provides a World Facade out-of-the-box, meaning Laravel users don't need to set it up manually.

βœ” No need to register aliases
βœ” Works automatically in Laravel

Just install the package and start using it:

use World;

$continents = World::continents()->get();


Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed:

composer install --dev

⚠️ Database Configuration for Testing

Due to special columns in the database, SQLite is not supported for testing.

Instead, configure MySQL in phpunit.xml:

        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="mysql"/>
        <env name="DB_HOST" value=""/>
        <env name="DB_PORT" value="3306"/>
        <env name="DB_DATABASE" value="world_test_database"/>
        <env name="DB_USERNAME" value="root"/>
        <env name="DB_PASSWORD" value=""/>

▢️ Running tests


πŸ—„ Database Schema

This package provides a locations table designed to store structured geographic data with hierarchical relationships.

Column Type Description
id Integer (PK) Unique identifier
continent_id Integer (FK) Parent continent (nullable)
country_id Integer (FK) Parent country (nullable)
province_id Integer (FK) Parent province (nullable)
iso_code String (3) ISO country code (e.g., "US")
type Enum continent, country, province, city
english_name String Location name in English
native_name String Local name (optional)
timezone String Time zone (e.g., "Asia/Tehran")
is_capital Boolean Marks capital cities (default: false)
priority Integer Sort priority (default: 0)
center POINT Geographic coordinates
area MULTIPOLYGON Spatial data for regions

βœ… Indexed for fast queries
βœ… Supports geographic coordinates & boundaries


πŸ”Ή What is this package used for?

It helps developers retrieve geographical data (continents, countries, provinces, and cities) for Laravel & PHP applications.

πŸ”Ή Is this package compatible with Laravel?

Yes! It fully supports Laravel and can also be used in vanilla PHP projects.

πŸ”Ή How can I filter countries by continent?


πŸ”Ή Can I get cities of a specific province?


⭐ Contribute & Support

πŸ”Ή GitHub Repository: thecoder/world
πŸ”Ή Issues & Features: Submit Here
πŸ”Ή Contribute: Fork, star ⭐, and submit PRs

πŸ’‘ Need more features? Open an issue or contribute to the project!