
1.1 2018-08-08 23:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 19:42:58 UTC


A simple PHP container for passing session (flash) messages between page redirects.


Install the FlashMessage package via Composer:

composer require thecodemill/flash-message


FlashMessage is used to make messages of 4 different statuses:

  • INFO

A message can be created by instantiating a new TheCodeMill\FlashMessage\Message class, with the appropriate arguments:

use TheCodeMill\FlashMessage\Message;

$message = new Message('The problem with the gene pool is there’s no lifeguard', Message::STATUS_INFO);

Alternatively, static helper methods are available to automatically generate a message of each particular status:

use TheCodeMill\FlashMessage\Message;

// Info
$info = Message::info('I have noticed something strange.');

// Warning
$warning = Message::warning('This could be a problem.');

// Danger
$danger = Message::danger('Yes, it was definitely a problem.');

// Success
$success = Message::success('All fixed!');

These messages can then be passed into session storage and flashed between page redirects.

Here's a Laravel example:

Route::post('/submit', function () {
    // Do something
    // ...
    // Now redirect
    return redirect('/success')
        ->with('message', Message::success('Thanks for submitting.'));

To output the message, we may use the content() and status() methods on the Message object.

Note: You may notice that the status types tie in nicely with Bootstrap's default types.

Here's another Laravel Blade example:

@if($message = session('message'))
    <div class="alert alert-{{ strtolower($message->status()) }} alert-dismissible" role="alert">
    	<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
    		<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
        {{ $message->content() }}
