
Set of simple tools for

v0.1.1 2016-08-26 10:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 05:33:54 UTC


Set of simple tools that helps to build API based on alegz/yii2-oauth2-server package.


Via command line:

composer require the-real-start/yii2-oauth2-server-tools

Or add lime to composer.json requirement section:

"require": {
    "the-real-start/yii2-oauth2-server-tools": "*"


Package namepsace: TRS\yii2\oauth2server\tools

Package provides 5 classes for setting up oauth2-server:

  • Abstract class AppIdentity
  • Abstract class User
  • Class ErrorHandler
  • Class AccessRules
  • Class JsonHttpException


Abstract class for client credentials grant_type (see for details).

You should declare getIsPublic method for you version of AppIdentity class. See example below:


namespace common\components;

use common\components\enums\Scope;
use TRS\yii2\oauth2server\tools\oauth2\AppIdentity as BaseAppIdentity

class AppIdentity extends BaseAppIdentity
     * @inheritdoc
    abstract public function isPublicClient($client_id){
       $app = self::findByClientId($client_id);
       return !!$app && $app->scope == Scope::_PUBLIC;

Example with setting up module of yii2-oauth2-server:

modules'             => [
   'oauth2' => [
    'class'               => \filsh\yii2\oauth2server\Module::className(),
    'storageMap'          => [
        'client_credentials' => \common\components\AppIdentity::class,


This abstract class extends yii\web\User adds getIsPublic method and changes logic around logging user out.

This class requires to declare method getIsPublic for User

Example of class:


namespace common\components;

use common\enums\Scope;
use TRS\yii2\oauth2server\tools\oauth2\User as BaseUser;

class User extends BaseUser
     * @ingeritdoc
    public function getIsPublic()
        /** @var \common\models\User $identity */
        $identity = $this->getIdentity(false);
        return ( $identity->scope == Scope::_PUBLIC );

Setting up example:

'components'          => [
    'user'                 => [
        'class'           => \common\components\User::className(),
        'identityClass'   => \common\models\User::className(),
        'enableAutoLogin' => true,


Simple error handler that were designed to be used with API.

Setup example in yii2 main.php config file in components section:

'errorHandler'         => [
    'class' => \v1\components\oauth2\rest\ErrorHandler::className(),


Extended version of yii2 AccessRule. Adds support of user scope filtering.

Example of rule

 public function accessRules()
        return [
                'allow'   => true,
                'roles'   => [ '@' ],
                'actions' => [ 'registration', 'send-recovery-email', 'reset-password', 'check-reset-token' ],
                'scopes'  => [ Scope::_PUBLIC ],

Setup example:

public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors = ArrayHelper::merge(
                'access'            => [
                                         'class'      => AccessControl::className(),
                                         'rules'      => $this->accessRules(),
                                         'ruleConfig' => ['class' => AccessRule::class],

        return $behaviors;

In this and previous examples accessRules were declared as abstract method in base controller.


It's simple wrapper over HTTPException that can accept array as message.

Array is converted to json.

Designed to use with ErrorHandler but you are free to adopt it to your tools.

Small example

/** @var array */
$errors = $model->getErrors();

throw new JsonHttpException(400, $errors);

Participation and development

Hope you will find this set of tools helpful.

If you have suggestions welcome to issues on github.

If you wish to improve thia package feel free to submit pull requests.