
Keeps track of user activity

0.1.2 2015-08-20 07:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:33:38 UTC


A clean and simple Laravel 4 activity logger for monitoring user activity on a website or web application.


Basic installation, service provider registration, and aliasing:

To install ActivityLog, make sure "regulus/activity-log" has been added to Laravel 4's composer.json file.

"require": {
	"tfleet/activity-tracker": "0.3.0"

Then run php composer.phar update from the command line. Composer will install the ActivityLog package. Now, all you have to do is register the service provider, set up ActivityLog's alias in app/config/app.php, Add this to the providers array:


And add this to the aliases array:

'Activity' => 'TFleet\ActivityLog\Activity',

Run the migrations and seed the database:

To run the database migrations (a single DB table), run the following from the command line:

php artisan migrate --package=regulus/activity-tracker

Publishing config file:

If you wish to customize the configuration of ActivityLog, you will need to publish the config file. Run this from the command line:

php artisan config:publish tfleet/activity-log

You will now be able to edit the config file in app/config/packages/regulus/activity-log.

Basic Usage

Logging user activity:

	'contentId'   => $user->id,
	'contentType' => 'User',
	'action'      => 'Create',
	'description' => 'Created a User',
	'details'     => 'Username: '.$user->username,
	'updated'     => $id ? true : false,

The above code will log an activity for the currently logged in user. The IP address will automatically be saved as well and the "developer" flag will be set if the user has a "developer" session variable set to true. This can be used to differentiate activities between the developer and the website administrator.