
Class for sending sms by textme servies

1.0.1 2019-11-13 14:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 17:53:04 UTC



Use the package manager composer to install Textme.

composer require textme/sms


Create a connection

Textme\SMS::init($username, $password, $source = '(optinal)');

Create a message

Textme\SMS::addMessage($numbers, $message, $source = '(optinal)');

You must set a $source in init or in adding massage if its set in init its was be for all massages but in massage its only for this message.

  • The $numbers can be many type of array or string:
$number = '0500000000';
$numners = ['0500000000','0500000001','0500000002'];
$numbers = ['phone'=> '0500000000', 'id' => '1'];
$numbers = [
             ['phone'=> '0500000000', 'id' => '1'],
             ['phone'=> '0500000001', 'id' => '2'],
  • The $message can type of array or string:
$message = 'Your message here';
$message = [
            'template' => 'Your message here, yours {{var}} here',
            'var' => 'demo for var use',

Create a messages

  • This $array must include keys numbers,message or its can be array inside array demo:
  • The $message can type of array or string:
$array = [
   'numbers' => '0500000000',
   'message' => 'test message',
$array  = [
                'numbers' => '0500000000',
                'message' => 'test message',
                'numbers' => '0500000001',
                'message' => 'test message 2',

Its work in same format like addMessage its work with templates for this need add key template to message and key for evry var.

Get balance

For get the balance of your sms you can use:


Get response

For get the last response of system (send or balance):


Create object of class

You can create object of this class and use its all like object

$sms = new Textme\SMS($username, $password, $settings = ['(optinal)']);
