teufels / tt3-swiper-nce
Slider based on Swiper JS allows to use nested content elements in Slide
2025-03-12 09:37 UTC
- typo3/cms-core: ^12.4 || ^13.4
[ ṯeufels ] Swiper NCE
Slider based on Swiper JS (https://swiperjs.com/) allows to use nested content elements in Slide
This version supports TYPO3
Composer support
composer req teufels/tt3-swiper-nce
Swiper.js Documents
Swiper.js: >=6.8.4
How to use
- Install with composer
- Import Static Template (before sitepackage)
- make own Configurations
- add Configurations to TsConfig/Page/TCEFORM.tsconfig in sitepackage
- add own configuration js file to sitepackage & implement these in setup.typoscript of sitepackage
Update & Migration from hive_swiperjs_simple
- in composer.json replace
- Composer update
- Include TypoScript set
[teufels] Swiper NCE
- Analyze Database Structure -> Add tables & fields (do not remove old hive_swiperjs_simple yet)
- Perform Upgrade Wizards
[teufels] Swiper NCE
- Analyze Database Structure -> Remove tables & unused fields (remove old hive_swiperjs_simple now)
- class & id changed -> adjust styling in sitepackage (e.g. tx_tt3_swiper_nce => tx_tt3_swiper_nce)
- check & adjust be user group access rights
- migrate own configurations
- 1.2.4 remove console.log initialization message
- 1.2 add support for TYPO3 v13
- Fix: Adaptation to TYPO3 v13 - Use of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection:PARAM_INT instead of \PDO::PARAM_INT
- custom preview renderer only used for TYPO3 v12, TYPO3 v13 uses default renderer
- add Previews for TYPO3 v13 and TYPO3 v12 support
- remove usage of vhs:condition.string.contains (not TYPO3v13 ready yet -27.01.25-) using simple condition instead
- 1.1.1 fix autoplay
- 1.1.0 New Features
- add Autoplay Options disableOnInteraction & pauseOnMouseEnter
- add Scrollbar & Scrollbar+Fraction PaginationType
- 1.0.5 fix renderContentElementPreviewFromFluidTemplate changed parameters
- 1.0.4 change c- to c & improve BE Preview
- 1.0.3 change TCA Config 'slide_content 'according to news configuration 'content_elements'
- 1.0.2 changed deprecated allowTableOnStandardPages() to ignorePageTypeRestriction (https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tca/12.4/en-us/Ctrl/Properties/Security.html#ctrl-security-ignorepagetyperestriction)
- 1.0.1 fix pagination problems with no-pagination JIRA TASK
- 1.0.0 intial from hive_facts