A generic HealthChecker component for use with Symfony2 and alike projects.

v0.0.2 2014-08-17 18:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:36:24 UTC


A generic HealthChecker component for use with Symfony2 and alike projects.

Build Status


  • Organizable tests in TestSuites and TestGroups.
  • Customizable reporting.
  • Customizable method of determining final success/health.
  • The ability to intercept errors (useful for shoddy SOAP clients).
  • A stateless service for executing test(s).


As a standalone repository

This method is generally used for development.

git clone https://github.com/tests-always-included/HealthCheckComponent.git HealthCheckComponent
/path/to/your/composer.phar install

As a dependency

This method would include the component as part of your project. composer.json

    dependencies: {
        "tests-always-included/health-check": "@dev-master"

Tell composer to update your project's vendors. /path/to/your/composer.phar install


Tests are written utilizing the PHPUnit Framework.

cd /path/to/your/clone/of-this-repository
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c .


Create some Test(s).

Each test must extend the abstract definition in this library. No default implementation is provided.

Example scenario:

  • Your project connects to a remote service.
  • This remote service may require authentication.
  • The health of your site depends on that authentication.
namespace My\Project\HealthCheck\Tests;

use TestsAlwaysIncluded\HealthCheck\Test\Test;

class MyTest extends Test
    public function execute()
        // Example: Authentication check.

        if ($someService->isAuthenticated()) {
            $this->pass('My service is authenticating as expected.');

        if ($someService->timedOut()) {
            $this->fail('My service appears to be down.');

        if ($someService->isNotConfigured()) {
            $this->skip('We might be running this from a lower environment.');

        if ($someService->returnedGarbage()) {
            $this->error('My service is doing something I didnt expect.');

Build up your TestSuite(s)

$test = new MyTest;
$testGroup = new TestGroup('RemoteServicesAreEverywhere');
$testSuite = new TestSuite('ThisIsProbablyABundleInMyProject');

Attach the TestSuite(s) to your HealthCheck

$healthCheck = new HealthCheck;

Define the reporting you'd like (if any).

// Example: A basic console dot-F reporter is included with the repo.
$reporter = new ConsoleOutputReporter();

// A second, optional argument allows you to alias the reporter.
// Otherwise, the Reporter's class name is used.
$healthCheck->registerReporter($reporter, 'consoleReporter');

Execute the scenario you've created.

$runner = new HealthCheckRunner;
// You will most likely obtain an EventDispatcher from your DependencyInjection Container.

Determine if your system is Healthy.

// You can define your own strategies, as well.
// A simple PassFailSuccessStrategy is included with the repo.
$successStrategy = new PassFailSuccessStrategy();

echo $healthCheck->passed($successStrategy) ? 'Everything is AOK!' : 'Something might be wrong.';

Future Consideration

  • Allow a test to be skipped if a dependent test fails/passes/etc.
  • Provide a default command implementation for executing test(s).
  • Permit multiple instances of a Reporter to be attached (may be useful for outputting a simple and a detailed report in the same format).
  • Provide a default loader for assembling a HealthCheck instance from an array configuration.