

100.4.3 2021-10-10 22:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 08:10:57 UTC


This module enables setting a long-term cookie containing internal id (random hash - to exclude brute force) of persistent session for customer. Persistent session data is kept in DB - so it's not deleted in some days and is kept for as much time as we need. DB session keeps customerId + some data from real customer session that we want to sync (e.g. num items in shopping cart). For registered customer this info is synced to persistent session if choose "Remember me" checkbox during first login.


Before installing this module, note that the Magento_Persistent is dependent on the following modules:

  • Magento_Checkout
  • Magento_PageCache

The Magento_Persistent module creates the persistent_session table in the database.

This module modifies the following tables in the database:

  • quote - adds column is_persistent

All database schema changes made by this module are rolled back when the module gets disabled and setup:upgrade command is run.

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_Persistent module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_Persistent module.

A lot of functionality in the module is on JavaScript, use mixins to extend it.


The module dispatches the following events:


  • persistent_session_expired event in the \Magento\Persistent\Controller\Index\UnsetCookie::execute method


  • persistent_session_expired event in the \Magento\Persistent\Observer\CheckExpirePersistentQuoteObserver::execute method

For information about an event in Magento 2, see Events and observers.


For more information about a layout in Magento 2, see the Layout documentation.

Additional information

More information can get at articles:

Cron options

Cron group configuration can be set at etc/crontab.xml:

  • persistent_clear_expired - clear expired persistent sessions

Learn how to configure and run cron in Magento..