

100.3.4 2021-10-12 21:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-13 07:59:38 UTC


The Magento_Authorizenet module implements the integration with the Authorize.Net payment gateway and makes the latter available as a payment method in Magento.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_Authorizenet module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_Authorizenet module.


This module dispatches the following events:

  • checkout_directpost_placeOrder event in the \Magento\Authorizenet\Controller\Directpost\Payment\Place::placeCheckoutOrder() method. Parameters:

    • result is a data object (\Magento\Framework\DataObject class).
    • action is a controller object (\Magento\Authorizenet\Controller\Directpost\Payment\Place).
  • order_cancel_after event in the \Magento\Authorizenet\Model\Directpost::declineOrder() method. Parameters:

    • order is an order object (\Magento\Sales\Model\Order class).

This module observes the following events:

  • checkout_submit_all_after event in the Magento\Authorizenet\Observer\SaveOrderAfterSubmitObserver file.
  • checkout_directpost_placeOrder event in the Magento\Authorizenet\Observer\AddFieldsToResponseObserver file.

For information about events in Magento 2, see Events and observers.


This module introduces the following layouts and layout handles in the view/adminhtml/layout directory:

  • adminhtml_authorizenet_directpost_payment_redirect

This module introduces the following layouts and layout handles in the view/frontend/layout directory:

  • authorizenet_directpost_payment_backendresponse
  • authorizenet_directpost_payment_redirect
  • authorizenet_directpost_payment_response

For more information about layouts in Magento 2, see the Layout documentation.