
Terminus Replica - A Terminus plugin that exposes replica database connection details for your Pantheon environments.

1.0.0 2017-03-01 07:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 01:15:00 UTC


Replica is a Terminus plugin that decorates the terminus connection:info command with additional connection info related to any database replicas you may have enabled for your site environments.


For installation help, see Manage Plugins.

mkdir -p ~/.terminus/plugins
composer create-project -d ~/.terminus/plugins terminus-plugin-project/terminus-replica-plugin:~1


If you pull connection info for an environment that has an associated slave database, you will see additional details:

terminus connection:info <site>.<env>

...Which might respond with:

 ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  SFTP Command            sftp -o Port=2222 live.aaaaaaaa-0000-bbbb-1111-cdef2345ghij@appserver.live.aaaaaaaa-0000-bbbb-1111-cdef2345ghij.drush.in
  MySQL Command           mysql -u pantheon -p12a345b678cd9012efgh345i67890123 -h dbserver.live.aaaaaaaa-0000-bbbb-1111-cdef2345ghij.drush.in -P 10206 pantheon
  Redis Command           redis-cli -h -p 10000 -a aa1b23456cde789fgh0ij1234k56l7m8
  MySQL Replica Command   mysql -u pantheon -p01ab234c567d8e90fgh1i23j4kl5678m -h -P 11258 pantheon
 ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And, as usual, you can specify the field you want:

terminus connection:info my-site.live --field=mysql_replica_command

...Which might return:

mysql -u pantheon -p01ab234c567d8e90fgh1i23j4kl5678m -h -P 11258 pantheon