
Adds support for Bynder Asset Management to Contao Open Source CMS

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2.1.1 2024-06-14 11:38 UTC


This bundle integrates Bynder Asset Management directly into your Contao 5.3+ back end. It works by adding new tab next to the regular file picker tab where you can choose your images of your Bynder Asset Management account. You can search and filter your Bynder assets, download and then select them right from the file tree widget.

You can configure which metadata should be imported and how and the bundle also takes care to map your configured Bynder focus point to Contao's important path configuration.

Why would I need this, if it still downloads all the files to the system?

This approach still has one big advantage which is that you can manage your files in one central location and use it across multiple content management systems or even multiple Contao setups.

Roadmap / Ideas

  • Support filters other than select
  • Find a way how one can control which filters are shown and which ones are not
  • Support the picker wizard in Contao, not only the FileTree widget
  • Support other assets, not only image
  • More?


  1. Install the bundle
$ composer require terminal42/contao-bynder
  1. Configure the bundle

Edit your config.yml file and add the necessary configuration parameters as follows:

# You can get the permanent token as described on https://support.bynder.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013875300-Permanent-Tokens
    domain: 'foobar.getbynder.com'
    token: '2a7a5243548…32739e624dc'
    targetDir: 'bynder_assets' # The target dir the bundle downloads assets to. Make sure it is RELATIVE to your specified contao.upload_path (In that case it would be default store the images in /files/bynder_assets)
    derivativeName: foobar_derivative # See documentation of Bynder settings
    derivativeOptions: # See documentation of Bynder settings
        w: 3000
        h: 3000
        crop: false
            title: '{{ name }}'
            alt: "{{ tags|join(', ') }}"
            caption: '© {{ property_copyright }}. {{ property_lizenzart }}'

With the metaImportMapper you can configure the way you want to import metadata from Bynder to Contao's metadata widget. The key is the language. In our example this is de but you can also specify multiple languages, if you wanted to. This bundle automatically converts your custom media properties and fetches the correct values based on the language for it. It will also check if the media property is configured to allow multiple or only single values. So you don't have to worry about converting arrays with only one value into a string. The templates expect a valid Twig string.

  1. Configure your Bynder Account

Bynder can handle huge file assets that do not even make sense in a web environment such as a 750 MB TIFF image. However, Bynder knows the concept of "derivatives". Derivatives are variations of the original image. They allow you to create e.g. a 3000 x 3000 pixel JPEG file from your 750 MB TIFF file. You can ask Bynder to create them every time a user uploads a file or you can create so called on-the-fly derivatives.

You have to tell the bundle which derivative it shall take by passing the name to the configuration as follows:

derivativeName: foobar_derivative

On-the-fly derivatives even allow any third party application to override the desired parameters. Go and have a look at the "Supported parameters" section in the Bynder knowledge base to see how you can override these. The terminal42_contao_bynder.derivativeOptions setting takes a key value array which it will append when fetching a derivative to do exactly that. We recommend to use the following setting:

    w: 3000
    h: 3000
    crop: false

This will create an image of decent size and it will not crop it but keep the original proportions which is usually what you want to have. You absolutely do not need to pass this configuration. You can also create a derivative only for this integration and name it e.g. "contao_bynder_integration" and configure the settings already there.

Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

In order to upgrade the extension to version 2, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Obtain the permanent token as described on https://support.bynder.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013875300-Permanent-Tokens
  2. Update the config.yml file as follows:
-    consumerKey: 'foobar'
-    consumerSecret: 'foobar'
-    token: 'foobar'
-    tokenSecret: 'foobar'
+    domain: 'foobar.getbynder.com'
+    token: '2a7a5243548…32739e624dc'