
SDK for ConcordPay

dev-master 2023-05-27 09:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 13:54:22 UTC


ConcordPay SDK Documentation

Connect ConcordPaySDK.php to your project


Create constants env.php file with constants:

const PRIVATE_KEY = '';
const MERCHANT_ID = '';

The sample file (env.example.php) is in the root of the project.

Create Object SDK in your php code

$sdk = new ConcordPaySDK(PRIVATE_KEY);

Create array with necessary params

The list of params you can see in the ConcordPay SDK documentation.

For Example:

$params = [
    'operation'    => 'Purchase',
    'merchant_id'  => MERCHANT_ID,
    'amount'       => 0.1,
    'order_id'     => '60#20210810',
    'currency_iso' => 'UAH',
    'description'  => 'test',
    'add_params'   => [],
    'approve_url'  => 'http://sdk.loc/reciver.php',
    'decline_url'  => 'http://sdk.loc/decline',
    'callback_url' => 'http://sdk.loc/reciver.php',
    'cancel_url'   => 'http://sdk.loc/cancel'

In case you need to specify button "Send" you can use ID of the form : sdk-concord.

Call method with params

For Example:

echo $sdk->purchase($params); 

Available methods are the same as in ConcordPay Documentation

Method Operation
params Return array of parameters
purchase Payment on the payment processing page
recPayment Recurrent payments RecPayment (payment by token)
verify Verify Operation
reversal Operation Reversal
complete Operation Complete
check Operation Check
p2pCredit Operation P2PCredit
getBalance Get Balance Operation (GetBalance)
p2pDebit Operation P2PDebit
purchaseOnMerchant Operation PurchaseOnMerchant
getMasterpassToken Getting a token for Masterpass
purchaseMasterpass Making a payment through Masterpass
confirm3DS The confirmation of 3DS Verification Verification
$sdk   = new ConcordPaySDK(PRIVATE_KEY);
$token = $sdk->getMasterpassToken($params);


Each method in ConcordPaySDK can return query or method buildForm methods.