
General-purpose library for php.

dev-master 2014-05-23 11:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-22 13:57:29 UTC


###General-purpose library for php.

The following examples use shorter array syntax from php 5.4+ for brevity, but the library works also for older versions (5.3.2+ to be precise).


use Telesto\Utils\StringUtil;

StringUtil::explode (standard explode with escaping delimiter feature)

StringUtil::explode('.', 'first\.dont_explode_this.second', null, ['escapeChar'=> '\\']); 
// ['first.dont_explode_this', 'second']

StringUtil::implode (standard implode with escaping delimiter feature)

StringUtil::implode('.', ['first.escape_this_dot', 'second'], ['escapeChar'=> '\\']); 
// 'first\.escape_this_dot.second'

StringUtil::strposAll (works like strpos but returns all positions)

StringUtil::strposAll(' @ @@ @', '@'); 
// [1, 3, 4, 6]


StringUtil::substrConsecutiveCounts(' @ @@@ @@', '@'); 
// [1, 3, 2]


StringUtil::substrMaxConsecutiveCount(' @ @@@ @@', '@'); 
// 3


use Telesto\Utils\ArrayUtil;

Set of array functions that also work for objects implementing ArrayAccess interface.

ArrayUtil::getKeys (works like array_keys, but also supports iterators)

ArrayUtil::getKeys(new \ArrayObject(['x' => 10, 'y' => 20])); 
// ['x', 'y']


        'points'    => [
                'x' => 10,
                'y' => 20
                'x' => 100,
                'y' => 200
// 200


        'point' => [
            'x' => 10,
            'y' => 20
// true

        'point' => [
            'x' => 10,
            'y' => 20
// false


$array = [
    'point' => [
        'x' => 10,
        'y' => 20

ArrayUtil::setElementByKeyPath($array, 'point.z', 30);

/* $array is now [
    'point' => [
        'x' => 10,
        'y' => 20,
        'z' => 30


$array = [
    'point' => [
        'x' => 10,
        'y' => 20

ArrayUtil::unsetElementByKeyPath($array, 'point.y');

/* $array is now [
    'point' => [
        'x' => 10

####Array Operations

Telesto\Utils\Arrays component provides interface for generic operations on arrays and objects implementing ArrayObject interface(some operations have additional requirements).

There are 2 types of operations:

  • transformations (they produce output given the input)
  • overwrites (they are given 2 arguments and use the first to overwrite the second)

Every transformation can be done by creating a new array and overwriting it(and that's the way it's implemented).

Every transformer is an instance of Telesto\Utils\Arrays\Transformation\Transformer interface. Every overwriter is an instance of Telesto\Utils\Arrays\Overwriting\Overwriter interface.

You can create these instances by yourself. The following example shows how to create and use transformer to perform 'copy by key path map' operation.

use Telesto\Utils\Arrays\Overwriting\Copy\KeyPathMap\BasicOverwriter as KeyPathMapOverwriter;
use Telesto\Utils\Arrays\Transformation\CreateAndOverwriteTransformer;

$transformer = new CreateAndOverwriteTransformer(
    new KeyPathMapOverwriter([
        'points.0.x'    => 'p.x',
        'points.0.y'    => 'p.y'

$output = $transformer->transform([
    'points'    => [
            'x' => 10,
            'y' => 20

$output is [
    'p' => [
        'x' => 10,
        'y' => 20

But this is requires a lot of boilerplate code. Here's a shorter version that uses OperationFacade:

use Telesto\Utils\Arrays\OperationFacade;

$transformer = OperationFacade::createTransformer('copy.byKeyPathMap', [
    'points.0.x'    => 'p.x',
    'points.0.y'    => 'p.y'

$output = $transformer->transform([
    'points'    => [
            'x' => 10,
            'y' => 20

or, if you only need to perform one operation and never use the transformer again:

use Telesto\Utils\Arrays\OperationFacade;

$output = OperationFacade::transform(
        'points'    => [
                'x' => 10,
                'y' => 20
        'points.0.x'    => 'p.x',
        'points.0.y'    => 'p.y'

License: MIT