
Core classes for all other AccentPHP packages.

1.0.3 2024-01-08 22:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 01:43:32 UTC


Accent core package

Core package contains common classes required by all other Accent packages.

Classes for basic concepts (autoloader, Component, Service manager, Events,..) 
are declared here.

There are following directories in this package:

 - ArrayUtils   - group of common utilities for dealing with arrays
 - Autoloader   - robust autoloading solution
 - Debug        - set of debugging tools
 - Event        - dispatching/listening system of events
 - File         - set of tools for dealing with files
 - Filter       - set of various security tools
 - Service mngr - service manager implementation
 - UTF          - utf-8 aware replacements for strlen, substr, strpos, strrpos, strtolower, strtoupper,...
 - Test         - contains unit tests, can be removed in production

Each directory has its own README.doc file with more detailed description of components and their usage.

Component class
This class is ultimate ancestor of almost all other AccentPHP objects. 

It defines some handful features like:
 - constructor options factory
 - error handling
 - plugins support
 - quick-access methods for few common services

Because direct access to superglobals ($_SERVER, $_FILES, $_ENV,...) are 
not permmited in Accent components they fetching that values from RequestContext. 

Basically this is DTO with few fancy getters and setters.
Some normalization of values will be internaly performed after any setter operation.

Instance of this object is typically injected in constructor options of other objects
allowing them to reach emulated superglobals.

This is utility for making stack (collection) of objects of same type.
Stack mimics behaviour of these objects by passing all calls to object on top
so consumers are not aware of its real nature.

For example components have to fetch some data from RequestContext but within 
sub-requests there must be stored different values.
Solution is to make Stacker object as service named something like 'GetRequestContext'
and push normal RequestContext object in it.
When subrequest arrives just push new RequestContext object in that service and all
components will receive new values.
Class Accent\Application\AbstractKernel doing exactly that.