
Laravel module to generate view from artisan command

v1.0.0 2021-06-23 02:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 12:37:41 UTC


Laravel module to generate view from artisan command

Installation via composer

Run command:

composer require --dev tediscript/laravel-view-generator

Or add this script to your composer.json and run composer update

    "require-dev": {
        "tediscript/laravel-view-generator": "^1.0.0"


Just like you create model via php artisan.

Make View Command

php artisan make:view view-name

It will generate file resources/views/view-name.blade.php using plain.stub template.

php artisan make:view schools.edit --model=School --layout=edit

It will generate file resources/views/schools/edit.blade.php using edit.stub template.

  • argument schools.edit is the path name of blade file (just like view name in render)
  • option --model=School is the model name. It is optional. Default model name is Item
  • option --layout=edit is used to specify the view stub file. The option are create, edit, index, plain, show. The default value is plain

Create your own layout template

You can create your own stub file inside folder resources/stubs. For example create file resources/stubs/welcome.stub then you can call artisan command:

php artisan make:view awesome --layout=welcome

It will generate file resources/views/awesome.blade.php using welcome.stub layout.

The supported variable to render are:

  • {{ model }} we get it from option --model
  • {{ pluralModel }} we get it from pluralize of model
  • {{ resourceName }} we get it from lower case of pluralModel
  • {{ instanceModel }} we get it from camel case of model
  • {{ instanceCollectionModel }} we get it from pluralize of instanceModel

Thats it.