
Yii 2 Library to handle normalized table creation

1.0.2 2017-08-07 20:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 04:39:05 UTC


This library eases the creation of normalized databases by providing classes to create tables separatedly with a simple logic.


You can use composer to install the library tecnocen/migrate by running the command;

composer require tecnocen/migrate

or edit the composer.json file

require: {
    "tecnocen/yii2-migrate": "*",


Create Table Migrations

You can use the tecnocen\migrate\CreateTableMigration to generate different type of migration tables to be used by each of your table types.

For example lets say you want to save who and when edits and creates each the entities on your system but your pivot tables only require to know when they were created since they can't be edited.

abstract class EntityTable extends \tecnocen\migrate\CreateTableMigration
    public function defaultColumns()
        return [
            'created_at' => $this->datetime()->notNull(),
            'updated_at' => $this->datetime()->notNull(),
            'created_by' => $this->normalKey(),
            'updated_by' => $this->normalKey(),

    public function defaultForeignKeys()
        return [
            'created_by' => 'user',
            'updated_by' => 'user',

abstract class PivotTable extends \tecnocen\migrate\CreateTableMigration
    public function defaultColumns()
        return [
            'created_at' => $this->datetime()->notNull(),

Then you can use them separatedly for each type of table you have

class m170101_010101_ticket extends EntityTable
     public function columns()
         return [
             'id' => $this->primaryKey(),
             'project_id' => $this->normalKey(),
             'title' => $this->string(150)->notNull(),
             'description' => $this->text(),

     public function foreignKeys()
         return ['project_id' => ['table' => 'project']];

class m17010101_010102_ticket_employee extends PivotTable
     public function columns()
         return [
             'ticket_id' => $this->normalKey(),
             'employee_id' => $this->normalKey(),

     public function foreignKeys()
         return [
             'ticket_id' => ['table' => 'ticket'],
             'employee_id' => ['table' => 'employee'],

     public function compositePrimaryKeys()
         return ['ticket_id', 'employee_id'];

When running the migration m170101_010101_ticket it will generate a table with the columns

  • id,
  • project_id,
  • title,
  • description,
  • created_by,
  • updated_by
  • created_at,
  • updated_at

With primary key id and three foreign keys linked to the columns project_id, created_by and updated_by.

And the migration m170101_010101_ticket_employee will generate a table with the columns.

  • ticket_id
  • employee_id
  • created_at

With a composite primary key of the columns ticket_id and employee_id and two foreign keys linked to the previous two columns.

Create View Migrations

You can use the tecnocen\migrate\CreateViewMigration to generate SQL views migrations.

use tecnocen\migrate\CreateViewMigration;
use common\models\Ticket;

class m17010101_010101_ticket_details extends CreateViewMigration
     * @inheritdoc
    public function viewName()
       return 'ticket_details';
     * @inheritdoc
    public function viewQuery()
        return Ticket::find()
                'project' => function ($query) {
                'ticket_id' => 't.id',
                'project_id' => 'p.id',
                'ticket_title' => 't.title',
                'ticket_description' => 't.description',
                'project_name' => 'p.name',t

Where viewName() returns an string and viewQuery() return an instance of yii\db\Query