
Apply request-based filters to Eloquent models in Laravel

0.1.0 2025-03-29 01:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-29 01:27:20 UTC


Apply dynamic filters to Eloquent models based on request data — including support for where, whereDate, between, like, and nested relation filters. Comes with a flexible Blade form component for easy integration.

🚀 Installation

1. Require the package (for local testing)

composer require tecnocampos/dynamic-model-filter

⚙️ Setup

The package auto-registers via ServiceProvider using Laravel's package discovery.

If you're loading views from the package, they will be available under the namespace:

✅ Usage

1. Add the Trait to your Model

use TecnoCampos\DynamicModelFilter\Traits\FilterRequestScope;

class User extends Model
  use FilterRequestScope;

  public static array $filterRequest = [
    'status' => 'text',
    'created_at' => 'date',
    'search' => 'multi|type:like|fields:name,email',

2. Apply Filters in Controller

$users = User::applyFilters()->paginate();

🧠 Filter Syntax Reference

Each entry in public static array $filterRequest uses the format:

field_name => 'type|option1|option2|...'

Supported Types

Type Description
text Basic where
like where with %value%
date whereDate
between Two filters used for range (first, last)
relation Uses whereHas with nested filters
multi Search across multiple fields

Extra Options

Option Usage
first / last Used with between filters
field:column When input name differs from DB field
type:text/like Type used inside relation or multi-search
relation:name Relation path (user.address)
fields:field1,field2 Used with multi type
source:request Fetch value from request() (default)

🧩 Example: Advanced

public static array $filterRequest = [
  'start_date' => 'between|first|field:created_at',
  'end_date' => 'between|last|field:created_at',
  'status' => 'text',
  'search' => 'multi|type:text|fields:name,email',
  'subscription' => 'relation|type:text|field:id|relation:subscriptions',

🖼 Blade Component (Form) (Optional)

Use the built-in Blade component to render filters dynamically:


@include('dynamicfilters::components.filter-form', [
  'filters' => [
    'inputs' => [
      'name' => 'type:text|id:name|placeholder:Name or Email...|label:Search',
      'status' => "type:select|id:status|options:{\"0\":\"Active\",\"1\":\"Disabled\"}|placeholder:All|label:Status",
    'action' => route('users.index'), // Optional
    'method' => 'GET',

Auto Features

  • Keeps values after submit.
  • Generates inputs based on type (text, select, date).
  • Supports options: for selects via JSON.

🔧 Customizing

You may override the default layout or logic by publishing the views:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views

Or modify the form component at src/resources/views/components/filter-form.blade.php

📅 Date Support (pt_BR / en)

The filter handles date input in both BR (d/m/Y) and EN (m/d/Y) formats automatically using Carbon and app locale.

✅ Requirements

  • PHP 8.0+
  • Laravel 9+

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for an improvement, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/dynamic-model-filter.git
  1. Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  1. Make your changes and commit:
git commit -m "Add feature: your description"
  1. Push to your fork:
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  1. Open a Pull Request to the main branch of this repository

Please ensure your code follows Laravel conventions and includes relevant tests if applicable.

📖 License

MIT © TecnoCampos