
Adapter package for phalcon project

1.0.4 2023-10-26 17:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 18:23:24 UTC


Adapter for phalcon queue manager


composer require teclaelvis/rabbitmq-phalcon-adapter:1.0.2

Initial configuration

We need to create a new instance of the QueueManagerFactory class and pass the adapter as a parameter.

use Pmqelvis\QueueManagerFactory;
use Pmqelvis\RabbitMQAdapter;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// // create a new instance of the rabbitmq adapter

$adapter = new RabbitMQAdapter('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest');
$queueFactory = new QueueManagerFactory($adapter);

If you are working with a ssl connection, you can use the follow code:

$adapter = new RabbitMQAdapter('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest', true);
// continue with the configuration

in Phalcon we can use the QueueManagerFactory class as a service, for example:

$di->set('queue', function () use ($config) {
    $ssl = getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') != 'development';
    $adapter = new RabbitMQAdapter(
    return new QueueManagerFactory($adapter);

and then we can use it in our logic to get the queue manager:

$queueFactory = $this->di->get('queue');


Producer configuration

The example below shows how to configure a producer

use Pmqelvis\QueueManagerFactory;
use Pmqelvis\RabbitMQAdapter;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

 *  before we need get the QueueManagerFactory instance
 * $queueFactory = new QueueManagerFactory($adapter);

$queue = $queueFactory->build('test', 'producer', 'test-exchange');
// or
$queue = $queueFactory->buildProducer('test' ,'test-exchange');
$queue->publish('Hello World from my library');

Consumer configuration

The example below shows how to configure a consumer

use Pmqelvis\QueueManagerFactory;
use Pmqelvis\RabbitMQAdapter;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

 *  before we need get the QueueManagerFactory instance
 * $queueFactory = new QueueManagerFactory($adapter);

$queue = $queueFactory->build('test','consumer' ,'test-exchange');
// or
$queue = $queueFactory->buildConsumer('test' ,'test-exchange');

$queue->consume(function ($message) {
    echo $message->body;

The code above will consume the messages from the queue and print the message body and $message->ack() will acknowledge the message.

RabbitMQAdapter options

Option Type Default Description
host string '' RabbitMQ host
port int 5672 RabbitMQ port
user string '' RabbitMQ user
password string '' RabbitMQ password
ssl bool false Enable ssl mode
options array [] RabbitMQ connection options

QueueManagerFactory options

The QueueManagerFactory->build() method accepts the following options:

Option Type Default Description
queueName string '' Queue name
type string '' Queue type (producer or consumer)
exchangeName string '' Exchange name
exchangeType string '' Exchange type

if type is consumer the method returns a ConsumeQueue instance, if type is producer the method returns a ProducerQueue instance.