
Manage Dynamic Queries from Databases

1.0.7 2017-10-16 14:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 01:58:41 UTC


This project is a symfony based bundle with possibility to create/execute multiple dynamic queries from databases.

It provides a custom wizard for create multiple queries trought select tables, queries, fields and associations.

You can add/construct multiple configurations for many types of functions, values, operator and conditions on dynamic queries execution.

You only need download it and use it with a little effort.

We hope that this project contribute to your work with Symfony.


Open a console in root project folder and execute following command:

composer install techpromux/dynamic-query-bundle


For custom database and other options edit files:


Create/Update tables from entities definitions, executing following command:

./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Force bundle to copy all assets in public folder, executing following command:

./bin/console assets:install web (for Symfony <= 3.3)

./bin/console assets:install public (for Symfony >= 3.4)