
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Integration of the respect/validation with Symfony2.1 or higher

0.1.0 2013-07-23 04:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-04 13:04:38 UTC


better integration between Symfony2 and "The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP."


##Bring in the vendor libraries

Use Composer

// composer.json
"require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.2",
    // ...
    "tear/respect-validation-bundle": "dev-master",
    // ...

##Add to your application kernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...            
        new Tear\Respect\ValidationBundle\TearRespectValidationBundle(),
        // ...


Use as service respect.validator:

    class AcmeController extends Controller
        public function indexAction()
            $number = 123;
            $x = $this->get('respect.validator')->numeric()->validate($number);//true

Use as Alias:

    namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
    use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
    use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
    class AcmeController extends Controller
        public function indexAction()
            $validUsername = v::alnum()
            $x = $validUsername->validate('alganet'); //true


See documentation on https://github.com/Respect/Validation