team / compassuser
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.
No replacement package was suggested.
CompassUser and authentication classes
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.
Retrieve and work with Compass users. Use is discouraged and is only maintained for backwards compatibility with older TEAM Framework based applications.
// Load user by id
$oUsr = new CompassUser(632);
// Load user by unique username
$oUsr = new CompassUser('mfrank');
// Load multiple users by passing multiple ids to load() method
$aUsrs = CompassUser::load([632, 2, 99]);
// Get name
echo $oUsr->getFirstLast();
Install with Composer
To install with Composer, simply require the latest version of this package.
composer require team/compassuser:dev-master