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Multiuser mods for Neos >= 7.3 Media module

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1.0 2023-08-17 18:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 23:45:51 UTC


Currently, the Neos Media module offers no easily feasible path for multi-user or multi-site support.

  • multi-user support: even on a single site there can be a demand to have users of different departments may not interfere with assets of other departments. Here you'll need multi-user support for assets.

  • multi-site support: to avoid users for different sites access or utilize assets of not-their-site it is essential to have multi-site support for assets. Again, this is achievable utilizing the Neos.Media multiuser mods.

All this is possible utilizing NEOS' powerful privilege system.

Asset collection names can hold any characters (up to 255). With an agreement of specific asset collection titles in interaction with privilege method titleStartsWith for asset collection titles multi-user and multi-site support in the Neos Media module is achieved.

Configuration example

In this example the agreement of specific asset collection titles follows the habit of path names using the slash (/) character to separate parts of asset collection titles:

hierarchy              asset collection title
---------------------  -------------------------
apples                 apples
 + green               apples/green
 | + granny smith      apples/green/granny smith
 + red                 apples/red
   + fuji              apples/red/fuji
pears                  pears
 + green               pears/green
 | + french butter     pears/green/french butter
 + yellow              pears/yellow
   + bosc              pears/yellow/bosc
   + asian             pears/yellow/asian

The separation character can be configured in the Neos Media Browser module file Settings.yaml (see below). If configured to anything else than empty ('') the asset collection title hierarchy is reflected in the asset collection's display:


In a file Policy.yaml (in some Configuration folder) you may define corresponding roles:

      label: 'All apples asset'
      matcher: 'titleStartsWith("apples")'

      label: 'All pears asset'
      matcher: 'titleStartsWith("pears")'

  # copy from Packages/Application/Neos.Media.Browser/Configuration/Policy.yaml
      label: Allowed to manage asset collections
      matcher: 'method(Neos\Media\Browser\Controller\(Asset|Image)Controller->(createAssetCollection|editAssetCollection|updateAssetCollection|deleteAssetCollection)Action()) || method(Neos\Media\Browser\Controller\AssetCollectionController->(create|edit|update|delete)Action())'


  # don't forget to give the Neos Administrator role access
        privilegeTarget: 'Apples.Asset:Collection'
        permission: GRANT
        privilegeTarget: 'Pears.Asset:Collection'
        permission: GRANT

    label: 'Apple asset manager'
    description: 'Asset manager for assets in "apples" asset collections'
    parentRoles: ['Neos.Neos:Editor']
        privilegeTarget: 'Apples.Asset:Collection'
        permission: GRANT
        privilegeTarget: 'Neos.Media.Browser:ManageAssetCollections'
        permission: GRANT

    label: 'Pears asset manager'
    description: 'Asset manager for assets in "pears" asset collections'
    parentRoles: ['Neos.Neos:Editor']
        privilegeTarget: 'Pears.Asset:Collection'
        permission: GRANT
        privilegeTarget: 'Neos.Media.Browser:ManageAssetCollections'
        permission: GRANT


git clone
cp -R Neos.Media-multiuser/Packages/* Packages/
rm -rf Neos.Media-multiuser/


The privilege methods titleStartsWith, titleEndsWith and titleContains are available for asset titles and do operate identical on asset collection titles when copied to the php source file Packages/Application/Neos.Media/Classes/Security/Authorization/Privilege/Doctrine/AssetCollectionConditionGenerator.php.

Some other Media interface features screw up the separation of assets for different sites:

  • opportunity to select "All" collections
    • here you would see all assets of all sites
  • Tags
    • it is hard to manage tags to differentiate assets for separate sites

The Neos Media module offers som feature configurations (file Packages/Neos/Neos.Media.Browser/Configuration/Settings.yaml) which are extended

    # ...
      # ...
        # ...
        # Show "all" collections
          enable: false
        # Show tags
          enable: false
        # collection hierarchical tree view / separation character
        # set to non-empty character to enable (for example '/')
          separator: '/'

The collection tree separator is evaluated in file Packages/Application/Neos.Media.Browser/Classes/Controller/AssetController.php and in the media index file Packages/Application/Neos.Media.Browser/Resources/Private/Templates/Asset/Index.html.

Some style adaptions for tree view are done in file Packages/Application/Neos.Media.Browser/Resources/Public/Styles/MediaBrowser.css.

For multi-site setup see Neos PR#4426