
10 Degrees base theme

dev-main 2022-07-08 16:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 01:06:55 UTC


The 10 Degrees base theme is a starter theme using the td/framework package to streamline WordPress theme development.


From the wp-content/themes directory of your project:

composer create-project td/theme [theme-name]

Find and replace @theme and @textdomain to your theme name and textdomain respectively.


The theme comes with a basic laravel-mix setup.

npm install

There are some commands to run a dev build, production build, or to watch files:

npm run dev
npm run prod
npm run watch

Using the framework

The td/framework package contains some useful wp-cli commands. View the framework readme for more information on using the framework.


To deploy the theme, you will need to run the following actions from within the theme directory.

composer install
npm install
npm run prod