
An adapter based front matter parser/dumper for php

v1.0.0 2017-03-04 02:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 23:13:13 UTC


An adapter based front matter parser/dumper for php


composer require tc/front-matter


  • YAML
  • JSON

Example Usage


use Tc\FrontMatter\FrontMatter;
use Tc\FrontMatter\Adapter\JsonAdapter;

// sample yaml front matter
$fileContent = '---
title: A Title
slug: a-slug
created: 2017-01-01 12:00
This is some sample content

// create a new parser/dumper
$frontMatter = new FrontMatter();

// parse file contents
$document = $frontMatter->parse($fileContent);

// get data

// get content

// dump the document back to front matter string
$dump = $frontMatter->dumpDocument($document);

// dump data and content back to front matter string
$dump = $frontMatter->dump(['foo' => 'bar'], 'Hello World');

// parse JSON front matter
$jsonAdapter = new JsonAdapter();

// create new parser/dumper using the json adaptor
$frontMatter = new FrontMatter($jsonAdapter);

// sample json front matter
$fileContent = '---
    "title": "A Title",
    "slug": "a-slug",
    "created": "2017-01-01 12:00"
This is some sample content

// parse file contents
$document = $frontMatter->parse($fileContent);

Symfony Integration

To enable symfony integration add the bundle to your kernel

new Tc\FrontMatter\Bridge\Symfony\TcFrontMatterBundle(),

Now you have access to the front matter service's:

  • YAML tc.front_matter or tc.front_matter.yaml
  • JSON tc.front_matter.json



namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $file = file_get_contents('./path/to/front-matter-file');
        $document = $this->get('tc.front_matter')->parse($file);

        return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', [
            'content' => $document->getContent(),
            'data' => $document->getData()

Custom Adapters

You can create your own custom adapters to parse and dump front matter.

All you need to do is implement Tc\FrontMatter\Adapter\AdapterInterface

You can then create a new instance of front matter using your adapter. e.g.


$myFrontMatter = new FrontMatter(new FooAdapter());

If you are using symfony you can register your adapters as a service, and tag them. e.g.

    class: 'AppBundle\Adapter\FooAdapter'
        - {name: tc.front_matter.adapter, adapter_name: foo}

The front matter bundle will then auto generate a front matter service for you:


Tc Front Matter is licensed with the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more details.