
Token builder for agora.io

v1.1 2021-01-25 16:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 06:22:48 UTC


(Unofficial) Token builder for agora.io

Product Versions that support tokens
RTC SDK * The Native SDK: v2.1.0 or later * The Web SDK: v2.4.0 or later * Third-party framework SDKs: All versions
On-premise Recording SDK v2.1.0 or later
Cloud Recording No version requirement
Interactive Gaming SDK v2.2.0 or later


composer require taylanunutmaz/agora-token-builder


RTC Token

Token with int uid

$token = RtcTokenBuilder::buildTokenWithUid($appID, $appCertificate, $channelName, $uid, $role, $privilegeExpiredTs);

Token with user account

$token = RtcTokenBuilder::buildTokenWithUserAccount($appID, $appCertificate, $channelName, $uidStr, $role, $privilegeExpiredTs);

RTM Token

$token = RtmTokenBuilder::buildToken($appID, $appCertificate, $user, $role, $privilegeExpiredTs);

API Reference

Parameter Description
$appID The App ID of your Agora project
$appCertificate The App Certificate of your Agora project.
$channelName The unique channel name for the Agora RTC session in the string format. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported character scopes are: * All lowercase English letters: a to z. * All uppercase English letters: A to Z. * All numeric characters: 0 to 9. * The space character. * Punctuation characters and other symbols, including: "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", " {", "}", "|", "~", ",".
$uid The user ID. A 32-bit unsigned integer with a value range from 1 to (2^32 - 1). It must be unique. Set uid as 0, if you do not want to authenticate the user ID, that is, any uid from the app client can join the channel or log onto the service system.
$uidStr The username of user. This value must be string.
$role The privilege of the user: * Role_Publisher(1): (Default) The user has the privilege of publishing streams. * Role_Subscriber(2): The user does not have the privilege of publishing streams.
$privilegeExpiredTs The Unix timestamp (s) when the token expires, represented by the sum of the current timestamp and the valid time of the token. For example, if you set privilegeExpiredTs as the current timestamp plus 600 seconds, the token expires in 10 minutes. A token is valid for 24 hours at most. If you set this parameter as 0 or a period longer than 24 hours, the token is valid for 24 hours.