
v1.0 2017-02-05 07:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-22 18:52:30 UTC



Push notification package helps you to easily push messages to Android, IOS, WindowsPhone, Chrome, and Firefox devices.


Using Composer :

composer install

Or you can do

composer require tawba/push-notification

If you don't have composer, you can get it from Composer

Run the application

php index.php


use Tawba\PushNotification\NotificationService;

$notify = new NotificationService();
echo "<pre>";
print_r($notify->send("android", ['testID', ['Test MSG']])); // You can pass android, ios, windowsphone, chrome, firefox

Important Notice

You should change your authentication data inside each driver if you want to use it. These are the drivers Android::class, IOS::class, WindowsPhone::class, Chrome::class, and Firefox::class