tapioca / client-php
Tapioca PHP client
- php: >=5.3.3
- guzzle/guzzle: 3.0.*@dev
- mustache/mustache: 2.0.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 15:37:25 UTC
This page is a draft of upcoming Tapioca's client in PHP. Feel free to contribute and/or suggest ideas.
PHP 5.3.3 (or higher) is required.
Installing via Composer
The recommended way to install Tapioca's PHP Clieny is through Composer.
- Add
as a dependency in your project'scomposer.json
{ "require": { "tapioca/client-php": "dev-dev" } }
Download and install Composer:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Install your dependencies:
php composer.phar install
Require Composer's autoloader
Composer also prepares an autoload file that's capable of autoloading all of the classes in any of the libraries that it downloads. To use it, just add the following line to your code's bootstrap process:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
You can find out more on how to install Composer, configure autoloading, and other best-practices for defining dependencies at getcomposer.org.
Minimal configuration array:
$config = array( 'slug' => 'acme' // you App's slug , 'clientId' => '540e011b8597d' , 'clientSecret' => 'dd4111734d012012b271cdce8aded611' , 'fileStorage' => 'http://www.yousite.com/file/path/' // public path for your files storage );
Complet configuration array:
$config = array( 'slug' => ... , 'driver' => 'Guzzle' // cUrl client , 'url' => 'http://www.tapioca.io/' // server's URL, change it if you run your own Tapioca server , 'api' => 'api/0.1/' // API path + version , 'apiVersion' => 0.1 , 'clientId' => ... , 'clientSecret' => ... , 'fileStorage' => ... , 'cache' => array( 'strategy' => 'filesystem' // cache method , 'ttl' => 3600 // cache time to live , 'prefix' => 'tapioca::' // cache key prefix ) // filesystem specific config , 'filesystem' => array( 'path' => __DIR__ . '/cache/' // cache files path , 'extention' => 'cache' // cache file extenTion ) // debug specific config , 'memory' => array() );
Create a new instance based on $config
include('vendor/autoload.php'); use Tapioca\Client as Tapioca; use Tapioca\Query as Query; use Tapioca\Exception as TapiocaException; use Tapioca\Cache\Filesystem as Cache; try { $clientTapioca = Tapioca::client( $config ); } catch( TapiocaException\InvalidArgumentException $e ) { exit($e->getMessage()); } catch( TapiocaException\ErrorResponseException $e ) { exit($e->getMessage()); }
You can define a global Locale
for the whole instance:
You can override this on each query.
The easiest collection query, just pass the collection's slug
as first argument:
try { $collection = $clientTapioca->collection( 'acme' ); } catch( TapiocaException\ErrorResponseException $e ) { exit($e->getMessage()); }
You can refine your query by passing a Query
object as second parameter.
Complete list of query methods below.
$query = new Query(); $query ->select( 'title', 'desc', 'image' ) ->setlocale('en_GB') // override global locale ->limit(10) ->skip(10); try { $collection = $clientTapioca->collection( 'acme', $query ); } catch( TapiocaException\ErrorResponseException $e ) { exit($e->getMessage()); }
These will return a Tapioca\Collection object based on API result.
The iteration over this object will allow you to handle each documents as an object.
API result
{ "_tapioca": { "total": 11, "limit": 10, "offset": 10, "locale": "en_GB", "dependencies": [ { "dependency": "acme--library", "path": "image-seul" } ] }, "documents": [ { "_tapioca": { "ref": "5414bcc54a15a", "revision": "5414bfbb06eef", "published": true, "created": 1410645189, "updated": 1410645947, "user": { "id": 3, "email": "michael@test.zz", "username": "Michael", "avatar": "http://www.tapioca.io/avatars/3.jpg", "url": "http://www.tapioca.io/api/0.1/user/3?token=Twa8NwYgJ7PLOfTQ7QgQ0VRJxOFzb8AMcPnNYf1U&", "role": "admin" }, "locale": "fr_FR", "resources": { "url": "http://www.tapioca.io/api/0.1/ours-roux/document/test/5414bcc54a15a?token=Twa8NwYgJ7PLOfTQ7QgQ0VRJxOFzb8AMcPnNYf1U&", "revisions": "http://www.tapioca.io/api/0.1/ours-roux/document/test/revisions/5414bcc54a15a?token=Twa8NwYgJ7PLOfTQ7QgQ0VRJxOFzb8AMcPnNYf1U&" } }, "title": "DO IT YOURSELF TORNADO KIT", "description": "Easily create your own tornadoes, anywhere, with the ACME Do It Yourself Tornado kit.", "image": { "id": "54146b3c7324c", "category": "image", "filename": "54146b3c7324c.jpg", "extension": "jpg", "basename": "tornado", "length": 41290, "height": 640, "width": 640 } }, { "_tapioca": { […] }, "title": "ACME DISINTEGRATING PISTOL", "description": "ACME Disintegrating Pistols, when they disintegrate, they distinegrate!" } ] }
Client usage
echo $collection->count() .' on '.$collection->total().' documents<br>'; // 1 on 11 documents echo '<ul>'; foreach( $collection as $product) { echo '<li>'; echo $product->title.' || '; echo $product->description; echo $product->undefinedField; // return empty string echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>';
You can directly access to collection
items by there ref
or there index
in the result:
try { // print the document's title with the '5414bcc54a15a' _tapioca.ref print_r( $collection->get( '5414bcc54a15a' )->get('title') ); } catch( TapiocaException\DocumentNotFoundException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage(); } try { // print the second document print_r( $collection->at( 1 )->get() ); } catch( TapiocaException\DocumentNotFoundException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage(); } catch( TapiocaException\InvalidArgumentException $e ) { // if index is everything else than numeric echo $e->getMessage(); }
Count results:
echo $collection->count(); // total count of returned documents echo $collection->total(); // total count of documents matching the query without offset limit (for pagination)
Print your query paramters:
Print interpreted query parameters by the server:
Dot notation to access to document property:
$doc = $collection->at(0); echo $doc->get('title'); // get title value echo $doc->get('undefinedField', 'a default value'); // return the default value echo $doc->get('image.basename'); // walk through the document object echo $doc->tapioca('user.username'); // walk through the document's tapioca property
Single document collection:
Use the at
method to access to the page
$page = $collection->at(0);
Simply pass the collection slug
and the document ref
try { $document = $clientTapioca->document( 'acme', '5414bcc54a15a' ); } catch( TapiocaException\ErrorResponseException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
It will return a Tapioca\Document Object with almost the same helpers than a collection object:
echo $document->tapioca('ref'); echo $document->tapioca('user.username'); echo $document->title; echo $document->description; echo $document->undefinedField; // return empty string
If passed token
is valid, return a document's preview as Tapioca\Document
part is no reliable.
try { $preview = $clientTapioca->preview( 'fb1e19a3991780e4513147c6867ab37876d6a0ca' ); } catch( TapiocaException\ErrorResponseException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
Get file's details from library.
$file = $instance->library('13147c6867ab37876d');
Clear Cache
To clear all cache files
$resp = $clientTapioca->clearCache();