
A simple router helps you develop faster.

v1.0.1 2017-08-05 08:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-17 12:03:04 UTC



This is a simple router, some feature is just like Laravel's, but it's easier to use.
I hope this very very simple tool could help you a little bit, and i'm glad to get advice from you :)


composer require tamce/router

And you can just use it in your project!

How to create a route

You can use simple route method to create a route or use {http_verb} method to create a route for specific HTTP requests. Every method that create a route recieve two arguments:

uri, route

uri is a string that matches the uri, you can use regex exp in that string, and anything that matches the regex exp will be passed to the function you provided.
Also, you can use {anything_you_want_here} just like using (^[/]+) cause we replace ({[\w ]+}) that exp. We also replace * to .*, so you can simply use * to match all uri.

route can be a string or an array or a callable array/closure function.
callable: We just use call_user_func_array to call it.
string: The string will be parsed like this: ((file#)(namespace\)class@)method
array: Just like the string, you can give us an array which look like this:

	'file'   => 'foo.php',                 // could be ignored
	'class'  => 'Namespace\ClassName',     // could be ignored
	'method' => 'methodName'

using HTTP Verb or not

You can create a simple route by using route method, or match the specific HTTP Verb using {verb} method.

Route group

You can use group function to create a route group, and you can specific a namespace for each routes in the function so that Router can automatically look for the class you give in that namespace.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Tamce\Router;

Router::route('/', function () {
	echo 'Hello World!';

Router::group(['namespace' => 'Controllers'], function () {
	Router::get('/register', 'User@register');
	Router::get('/user/{username}', 'User@profile');

Router::post('/login', 'Controllers\User@login');

// You can also specific a file to load
Router::get('/about', __DIR__ . '/about.php@foo');

Router::route('*', function () {
	header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
	echo 'Sorry, the page could not be found!');


namespace Controllers;
class User
	public function register() {...}
	public function profile($username) {...}
	public function login() {...}