Read and Write CSV files

v1.0.2 2020-06-25 10:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 00:01:56 UTC


A package with classes to manage reading and writing of csv files.


Add to your project using composer:

composer require talkingbit/csv

Basic usage


Reader allows us to read the contents of a given file in the file system. Contents are yielded using a Generator. Typical usage could be like this. Rows will be read as plain arrays.

use TalkingBit\Csv\Reader\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$filePath = '/path/to/file.csv';
$rows = $reader

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // Do whatever you need

If the file has csv headers, you can use the following setup, so rows will be read as associative arrays:

use TalkingBit\Csv\Reader\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$filePath = '/path/to/file.csv';
$rows = $reader

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // Do whatever you need

Also, you can map rows to a simple Dto, provided that all relevant fields are public:

use TalkingBit\Csv\Reader\Reader;
use TalkingBit\Csv\Reader\Mapper\DtoMapper;

$reader = new Reader();
$filePath = '/path/to/file.csv';
$rows = $reader
    ->usingMapper(new DtoMapper(MyDto::class))

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // Do whatever you need


Writer allows us to write data to a CSV file.

A row can be a plain array:

use TalkingBit\Csv\Writer\Writer;

$writer = new Writer();
    ->writeRow([123, 'My name']);

A row can be an associative array. In this case, keys will be used as CSV headers.

use TalkingBit\Csv\Writer\Writer;

$writer = new Writer();
    ->writeRow(['id' => 123, 'name' => 'My name']);

Also, you can write Dto directly to CSV files. Dtos will be treated as if they were associative arrays.

use TalkingBit\Csv\Writer\Writer;

$writer = new Writer();

$dto = new MyDto();
$dto->id = 123;
$dto->name = 'My name';



You can customize delimiters and enclosure characters:


Custom Mappers for Reader

You can create custom mappers for the Reader implementing the following interface:

interface RowMapperInterface
    public function map(array $line, ?array $headers = null);

The $line parameter contains the row data from the file. The $headers contains csv headers if found. You can return any type, so you are free to do things like:

  • Build application objects.
  • Make calculations with input data.
  • Validate input data.


Feel free to open issues or pull requests.