talex / helpers
Useful classes for the project
2023-10-20 20:30 UTC
To install talex/helpers run the command:
composer require talex/helpers
use Talex\Helpers\Text; $string = "example" $text = new Text($string); echo $text->truncate()->getText();
Usage Hash class
use Talex\Helpers\Hash; $plain_txt = "This is my plain text"; echo "Plain Text =" .$plain_txt. "\n"; $hash = new Hash($plain_txt); $hash->setSecretKey("my secret key"); $hash->setSecretIV("my secret IV"); $encrypted_txt = $hash->encrypt(); echo "Encrypted Text = " .$encrypted_txt. "\n"; $decrypted_txt = $hash->decrypt($encrypted_txt); echo "Decrypted Text =" .$decrypted_txt. "\n"; if ( $plain_txt === $decrypted_txt ) echo "SUCCESS"; else echo "FAILED"; echo "\n";