
A simple PHP shopping cart library to use in ecommerce web applications.

v1.0.1 2021-11-19 14:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-21 07:42:22 UTC


A simple PHP shopping cart library to use in ecommerce web applications



  composer require tal7aouy/cart


Parameter Type Description
maxItem int The maximum item can be added to cart. 0 = Unlimited
itemMaxQte int The maximum quantity per item can be added to cart. 0 = Unlimited
cookieState bool cookie that helps you to keep data in browser when it closed.
//Instantiate cart 
$cart= new Cart(**array** $options);
  require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";
  use Tal7aouy\Cart;
// Initialize Cart object
$cart = new Cart([
  // Can add unlimited number of item to cart
  'maxItem'      => 0,
  // Set maximum quantity allowed per item to 20
  'itemMaxQte'  => 20,
  // do not use cookie ,cart data will lost when browser is closed
  'cookieState'        => false,

Add Item

Adds an item to cart.

$cart->add(string $id, int $quantity = 1, array $attributes = []): bool;

// Add item with ID #10

// Add 5 item with ID #12
$cart->add('12', 5);

// Add item with ID #14 with price, color, and size
$cart->add('14', 1, [
  'price'  => '5.99',
  'color'  => 'yellow',
  'size'   => 'SM',

// Item with same ID but different attributes will added as separate item in cart
$cart->add('14', 1, [
  'price'  => '5.99',
  'color'  => 'Brown',
  'size'   => 'M',

has Item

// has item with ID #10
$isExist = $cart->has('10');

// has item exist with attributes
$isExist = $cart->has('10',[
  'price'  => '5.99',
  'color'  => 'yellow',
  'size'   => 'SM',

Update Item

Updates quantity of an item. Attributes must be provides if item with same ID exists with different attributes.

$cart->update(string $id, int $quantity = 1, array $attributes = []): bool;

// Set quantity for item #10 to 5
$cart->update('10', 5);

// Set quantity for item #14 to 2
$cart->update('14' [
  'price'  => '5.99',
  'color'  => 'Red',
  'size'   => 'M',

Remove Item

Removes an item. Attributes must be provided to remove specified item, or all items with same ID will be removed from cart.

$cart->remove(string $id, array $attributes = []): bool;

// Remove item #10

// Remove item #14 with color white and size XS
$cart->remove('1003', [
  'price'  => '5.99',
  'color'  => 'White',
  'size'   => 'XS',

Get Items

Gets a multi-dimensional array of items stored in cart.

$cart->getItems( ): array;

// Get all items in the cart
$allItems = $cart->getItems();

foreach ($allItems as $items) {
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    echo 'ID: '.$item['id'].'<br />';
    echo 'Qty: '.$item['quantity'].'<br />';
    echo 'Price: '.$item['attributes']['price'].'<br />';
    echo 'Size: '.$item['attributes']['size'].'<br />';
    echo 'Color: '.$item['attributes']['color'].'<br />';

Get Item

Gets a multi-dimensional array of one item stored in cart.

$cart->getItem(string $id, string $hash): array;

// Get first one item from the cart with id 10
$theItem = $cart->getItem('10');

// Get one item from the cart with any id and hash
$theItem = $cart->getItem($item['id'], $item['hash']);

Check Cart Empty

Checks if the cart is empty.

$cart->isEmpty( ):bool;

if ($cart->isEmpty()) {
  echo 'There is nothing in the basket.';

Get Total Item

Gets the total of items in the cart.

$cart->getTotalItems( ): int;

echo 'There are '.$cart->getTotalItems().' items in the cart.';

Get Total Quantity

Gets the total of quantity in the cart.

$cart->getTotalQuantity( ): int;

echo $cart->getTotalQuantity();

Get Attribute Total

Gets the sum of a specific attribute.

$cart->getTotalAttribute( string $attribute ): float;

echo '<h3>Total Price: $'.number_format($cart->getTotalAttribute('price'), 2, '.', ',').'</h3>';

Clear Cart

Clears all items in the cart.

$cart->clear( ):void;


Destroy Cart

Destroys the entire cart session.

$cart->destroy( );


Item Exists

Checks if an item exists in cart.

bool $cart->isItemExists( string $id[, array $attributes] );

if ($cart->isItemExists('1001')) {
  echo 'This item already added to cart.';