
0.3.2 2025-03-11 05:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 01:57:14 UTC


This package is wrapper for php sysv shm_xxx.


from Packagist

composer require takuya/php-sysv-ipc-shared-memory

from GitHub

composer config repositories.$name \
vcs https://github.com/takuya/$name  
composer require takuya/$name:master
composer install


$uniq_name = 'shm_name';
$shm = new IPCSharedMem($uniq_name);
$shm->put(new MyClass());
$obj = $shm->get();// instance of MyClass;
// remove ipc

More easy usage : Array Access.

This package offers KVS style access to Shared Memory.

$store = new IPCShmKeyStore('kvs-like', 1024*1024);
// Set by key
// Get by key
$store->get('key')['msg']; // => Auxakai3 

This package offers ArrayAccess style to use Shared Memory.

$arr = new IPCShmKeyStore('array-like', 100);
$arr[] = 'a';
$arr[] = 'b';
$arr[] = 'c';
foreach($arr as $e){
  echo "$e,";
// => "a,b,c,"

Limitation: ArrayAccess is not a real 'array'. Array functions ( ex array_map() ) cannot be applied for this.

comparison to shm_open

Compare to shared memory functions ( ex shmop_open()) , One big advantage SysV functions has.

Sysv function (ex shm_put_var) has auto serialization.

See Also.

I wrote these php code.

remove ipc by manually

If unused ipc remains. use SHELL command to remove.

ipcs -m | grep $USER | grep -oE '0x[a-f0-9]+' | xargs -I@ ipcrm --shmem-key @