
make yield into an Array / ArrayAccess.

1.0 2023-02-26 12:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 21:24:49 UTC


php / GeneratorArrayAccess

Make generator(yield) into ArrayAccess.


// generators by yield.
$generator = (function(){foreach (['x'.'y','z'] as $e){ yield $e;}})();
// Using with new.
use Takuya\Php\GeneratorArrayAccess;
$iter = new GeneratorArrayAccess($generator);

// Access as Array. 
$iter[0]; #=> 'x'
$iter[1]; #=> 'y'
$iter[2]; #=> 'z'

Why use.

Generator can foreach itself. but, cannot access as Array. This characteristic is against developers's intention. Like this.

Generator cannot be a array.

class MyClass{
  public function elements(){
    foreach ($this->paths[] as $path){
      yield get_something($path);

$node = new MyClass();
// Generator can Access foreach
foreach ($node->elements() as $item) {
  // something.    
// but Cannot access as Array
$first = $node->elements()[0]; //=> Error

CachingIterator is not enough

Using \CachingIterator is a common way, but make a problem

\CachingIterator cannot be a array.

This behaviour is very confusing.

$node = new MyClass();
$elements = new CachingIterator($node->elements())
// CachingIterator cannot access Directory, before cached.
$first = $elements[1]; //=> BadMethodCallException
// after caching, CachingIterator can access as Array.
foreach ($elements as $e){;;}
$first = $elements[1]; //=> not null.

With FullCache option, cached at initializing.

$node = new MyClass();
$elements = new \CachingIterator(
);// <= All Cached on constructor.

If generator is API call, It can spend a lot of time, caching time inevitable.

CachingIterator is useless. Everyone uses iterator_to_array() instead. iterator_to_array()function has same problem ( load all, mess up Generator concept, get data when using ).

Dynamically get, make Unnecessary api call avoidable.

To solve that problem ,GeneratorArrayAccess cache dynamically.

$node = new MyClass();
$iter = new GeneratorArrayAccess($node->elements());
$iter[1]; //=> make cache $iter[0],$iter[1];
$iter[9]; //=> make cache $iter[0]...$iter[9]

Cache is able to reuse.

$node = new MyClass();
$iter = new GeneratorArrayAccess($node->elements());
// first access 
foreach($iter as $e){;;}
// cache access with rewind.
foreach($iter as $e){;;}

When use this.

Reduce WebAPI Call. without re-arrange code.

Current exists code.

function my_list_items(){
  foreach(  $api->call('list_item') as $id){
    $list[]=$api->call('get_item', $id);
  return $list;
$items = $my_list_items();
$item = $items[0];

Use Generator.

function my_list_items(){
  foreach(  $api->call('list_item') as $id){
    $item  = $api->call('get_item', $id);
    yield $item;
$items = $my_list_items();
$item = $items[0];//<= No Code changed. Becomes ERORR!. 

Use GeneratorArrayAccess

function my_list_items(){
  return new GeneratorArrayAccess((function(){
  foreach(  $api->call('list_item') as $id){
    $item  = $api->call('get_item', $id);
    yield $item;
$items = $my_list_items();
$item = $items[0];//<= No Code changed. **No Error**.

This class supports to make use of Generator(yield), Less code changed.


Infinite generator will be no response.

$generator = (function(){
  while(true){ yield 'a';}
$iter = new GeneratorArrayAccess($generator);
sizeof($iter);//=> infinite loop


from github

composer config repositories.$repository \
vcs https://github.com/takuya/$repository  
composer require takuya/$repository:master
composer install

from composer

composer require takuya/php-genetator-array-access