takshak / imager
Imager provider package for laravel
Installs: 1 313
Dependents: 2
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- intervention/image: ^2.7
This package gives you three different tools, which are useful to fake, seed, generate placeholders and manipulate images. These tools are named as Picsum (provides images to seed database, or helps in creating model factories), Placeholder (generates placeholder images for specific location in different sizes and colors), Imager (manipulates images in desired sizes, can be used to resize an image if you don't want to cut any of edge of the images). These manipulations can be also called from the URL.
Quick Start
Install the package with composer
composer require takshak/imager
Simple uses
use Takshak\Imager\Facades\Picsum;
use Takshak\Imager\Facades\Placeholder;
use Takshak\Imager\Facades\Imager;
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)->response();
Placeholder::dimensions(500, 500)->text('Some Info Text')->response();
Imager::init($request->file('image_file'))->resizeFit(500, 500)->response();
User can also use directly with the respective aliases without using the class name at the top. eg:
\Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)->response();
\Placeholder::dimensions(500, 500)->text('Some Info Text')->response();
\Imager::init($request->file('image_file'))->resizeFit(500, 500)->response();
Placeholder (Dummy / Avatar image provider)
You can have some fake images of may be some placeholder images with specified dimensions, having some written text and also in different colours. You can also generate user avatars also. Image can be further resized, saved to folder and also can be saved to model.
Set the color of image background
image($width=null, $height=null, $background=null):
Instantiate the image if image is not already generated all the parameters are optional
text($text='Placeholder Image', $format=[]):
Write text on the image and format the text as well. Possible format array keys are: size, color, align, valign, angle. Eg.
\Placeholder::dimensions(500, 500)
->text('dummy text', [
'size' => 50,
'color' => '#000',
'align' => 'center',
'valign' => 'center',
'angle' => 45
Generates the local URL for given type of image. Specified image can be also called by this URL
For all other functions please refer to common methods
Default values:
$width = 500;
$height = 500;
$background = '#ccc';
$extension = 'jpg';
$textFormating = [ 'size' => 24, 'color' => '#000', 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'center', 'angle' => null ];
Generating placeholder image from URL
Base URL: http://project.com/imgr/placeholder?paramters
Parameter | Default | Description |
width / w | 1000 | Width of image |
height / h | 1000 | Height of image |
background / bg | 'ccc' | Set the background |
extension / ext | 'jpg' | Image format |
text | Text on image | |
text_color | Color of text (if text parameter available) | |
text_size | 24 | Size of the text (if text parameter available) |
text_angle | Image rotation angle (if text parameter available) | |
text_align | center | Text alignment (if text parameter available) |
text_valign | center | Vertical alignment (if text parameter available) |
blur | 1 | Blur image, pass the blur amount |
greyscale | Make image greyscale (pass the boolean as 0 or 1) | |
flip | Flip the image. Possible values: v / h | |
rotate | Rotates image (angle of rotation in numeric) |
Sample image URL: http://project.com/imgr/placeholder?w=150&h=150&text=JD&text_size=60&background=c00c0c
Picsum (Fake image provider)
It provides some images to fake database or can used as placeholder. This stores some images to it's bucket and then returns randomly generated images as requested. Functions and default parameters are given below:
Name of source folder from where the images will be faked. If not setted default 'imgr-bucket' folder will be used.
Storage disk name
seed(int: $count=10):
Seed the bucket with some dummy images
Flush all the images from bucket
refresh(int: $count=10):
Flush all the images from bucket and seed new images
Checks if the bucket is empty
Generates the local URL for given type of image. Specified image can be also called by this URL
Instantiate the image if image is not already generated
For all other functions please refer to common methods
Seeding images to the bucket
To seed / write some images (to be served when you request for better performance of picsum) execute following command
php artisan imager:seed
This can also receive several argument and options:
: number of images to be seeded (default '50')
: storage disk type (default 'local')--bucket
: this is the folder name where the images will be kept (default 'imgr-bucket/')--action
: action of the command. possible values are, seed, refresh, flush (default 'seed')--width
: width of the images to be seeded, (default '2000')--height
: height of the images to be seeded, (default '1500')
php artisan imager:seed 25
php artisan imager:seed 25 --width=1200 --height=800
Generating picsum image from URL
Base URL: http://project.com/imgr/picsum?paramters
Parameter | Default | Description |
width / w | 1000 | Width of image |
height / h | 1000 | Height of image |
extension / ext | 'jpg' | Image format |
refresh | 10 | Flush all bucket image and seed new ones |
seed | 10 | Seed new images |
flush | Flush all bucket images | |
blur | 1 | Blur image, pass the blur amount |
greyscale | Make image greyscale (pass the boolean as 0 or 1) | |
flip | Flip the image. Possible values: v / h | |
rotate | Rotates image, (accepts integer, eg. ?rotage=45) |
Sample image URL: http://project.com/imgr/picsum?w=150&h=150&blur=1&greyscale=1
Imager (Easy image manipulation)
This can used to resize or fit an image within a dimensions or for other manipulations. This provides following methods:
Receives an image file / path / URL to work on
resizeHeight(int: $height):
Defines the height of the image in pixels. (parameter optional if height() function has been already called)
resize(int: $width, int: $height):
Defines the width and height of the image in pixels (image may squeeze or edges can be cropped). (parameters are optional if height(), width() or dimensions() function has been already called).
resizeFit(int: $width, int: $height):
Defines the width and height of the image in pixels whichever fits the best, none of the edge will be cropped and image will never stretch. (parameters are optional if height(), width() or dimensions() function has been already called)
If you want to generate image with any coloured background, eg. (#fff)
For all other functions please refer to common methods
Common Methods
Following methods can be called to all above tools
width(int: $width):
Define the width of image
height(int: $height):
Define the height of image
dimensions(int: $dimensions):
Width and height can be defined at once usin this function instead of width() and height()
Extension of image, eg: 'png' or 'jpg'
Returns the image as a response.
Set the base folder name where you want to store the image
save($path, $width=null):
Save the path to any location. Width parameter is optional. Image will get resized were width will be passed
saveModel($model, $column, $filePath):
Saves image path to the model.
blur(int: $amount=1):
Blur the image
Makes image grey scale
rotate(int: $deg=45):
Rotates image on $deg degree
Flips the image, possible values(v or h)
Passes the image through other function (intervention/image) for further manipulations.
Destroys the created image instance.
Placeholder - Some Uses
Getting Default dummy image
\Placeholder::text('Some Info Text')->response();
Customised Text in image
\Placeholder::text('Some Info Text', [
'size' => 24,
'color' => '#000',
'align' => 'center',
'valign' => 'center',
'angle' => 45
Create dummy user avatar
\Placeholder::dimensions(200, 200)->text('JD')->response();
Save image to folder and model
\Placeholder::text('Some dummy text')
->saveModel($user, 'profile_img', 'image-lg.jpg')
->save('image-md.jpg', 300)
->saveModel($user, 'profile_img', 'image-md.jpg')
Picsum - Some Uses
Resize image during save
Picsum::dimensions(200, 200)->save(path:'path/image.jpg', 100);
Save at multiple locations
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)
->save(path:'path/image-md.jpg', 300)
->save(path:'path/image-sm.jpg', 100);
Get image URL
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)->image()->url();
Save path to model
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)
->saveModel(User::first(), 'profime_img', path:'path/image.jpg');
Get URL for the image
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)->url();
Other intervention callback function
$img = Picsum::image()->flip();
$img->crop(100, 100);
return $img->response();
Save image to a model
$post = Post::first();
Picsum::dimensions(500, 500)
->save(path:'path/image.jpg')->saveModel($post, 'image_lg', path:'path/image.jpg')
->save(path:'path/image-sm.jpg', 100)->saveModel($post, 'image_sm', path:'path/image-sm.jpg')
->image(500, 400)
->save(path:'path/image.jpg')->saveModel(Post::find(2), 'image_lg', path:'path/image.jpg')
Imager - Some Uses
Saving three variants of the same image in storage/app/public/images/... .jpg
->resizeFit(800, 500)
->save('images/medium.jpg', 400)
->save('images/small.jpg', 200);
# Or you can pass the path as follow
->resizeFit(800, 500)
->save(Storage::disk('public')->path('images/medium.jpg'), 400)
->save(Storage::disk('public')->path('images/small.jpg'), 200);
Save image with a canvas of white(default) background and some extra manipulation:
->resizeFit(800, 500)->inCanvas('#fff') // resize to fit in given dimension
->inCanvas('#fff') // put the white canvas if image is shorter
->rotate(45) // rotate image at 45 deg.
->flip('h') // flip image horizontally (use 'v' for vertical flip)
->save(Storage::disk('public')->path('images/large.jpg')) // save the image
->save(Storage::disk('public')->path('images/medium.jpg'), 400) // save another with small size of 400