
Imager provider package for laravel

1.4.0 2022-03-08 15:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 22:12:34 UTC


Can be used for log / record user activity via middleware or by custom code. It has a route middleware Alogger::class and has view components to view logs lists and details in admin / user panel.

Quick Start

Install using given command:

composer require takshak/alogger

Run migration using php artisan migrate, loggers table will get migrated. Use Alogger::class middleware in your routes in a group or individually.

use Takshak\Alogger\Http\Middleware\Alogger;
/* *
	Route::view('/', 'home');
	/* *

See your all recorded logs via https://domain.com/aloggers

More Information

All logs will be stored in loggers table. You can set your preference in alogger.php. Run the following command to publish configurations.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Takshak\Alogger\AloggerServiceProvider"

Configuration (alogger.php)

log: you can disable or enable the logger by setting this value true or false

routes: wold to like to enable predefined routes (https://example.com/aloggers) to see all logs true or false

record: set all the available properties which will be recorded. status key will define tha this parameter needs to be recorded or not. except key will ignore (not record) the matching values

except: pass some urls where alogger will not work, matches: pass some parts of url, if current url matches any of these values, logs will not be recorded. urls: pass the exact url on which alogger will not log any data

max_rows: maximum number of rows stored in database

max_days: number of days. logs after these days will be deleted


php artisan alogger:prune This will prune the logs depend on max_rows and max_days. log more than max_rows and older than max_days will be deleted. You can set this command in your scheduler will be manage delete the older logs.

php artisan alogger:prune All logs will be cleared / flushed from database.


It has two components with compatible with bootstrap 4 or 5

<x-alogger-loggers /> This component can be used to display all the logs on any page. This has some search and filters and view button for a popup to show the details of the log. You can pass paginate property to show number of items per page, default is 50 and order property to order the list by oldest first or latest first, default value is latest. Eg. <x-alogger-loggers paginate="100" order='latest' />

<x-alogger-logger logger-id="" /> This component will show the detail of a log. You need to pass the logger id for which you want to see the details

Using alogger manually

You can use Alogger Service to record the log manually from your controller or anywhere else.

use namespace  Takshak\Alogger\Service;
/* * * /
$alogger = new Alogger;
$alogger->log(data: $data, remarks $remarks);
/* OR */
(new Alogger)->log(data: $data, remarks $remarks);
/* * Setting different properties * */
(new Alogger)->remarks('your remarks goes here')

Available methods to be used with Alogger Service

If you want to contribute, have any suggestion or want say something, please write to takshaktiwari@gmail.com