
v0.1.5 2022-06-20 02:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 06:13:32 UTC


Testing PHPStan Validate Composer

This package is a wrap of Simple Templa for Laravel.
A Scaffold function using Simple Templa has also been added.


Execute the following composer command.

composer require takemo101/laravel-simple-templa

Publish the config

Publish the config with the following artisan command.
You can set filters and scaffolds from the config.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="simple-templa"

How to use

Please use as follows

Simple Templa Facade

You can use the template language by using the Facade class.

// Get Template object
$template = \SimpleTempla::template('{{ data.a }} {{ data.b }}');

// Run parse
echo $template->parse([
    'data' => [
        'a' => 'hello',
        'b' => 'world',
// hello world

// Run parse immediately
echo \SimpleTempla::parse(
    '{{ data.a }} {{ data.b }}'),
        'data' => [
            'a' => 'hello',
            'b' => 'world',
// hello world


Run the Artisan command below to generate the Scaffold class.

php artisan make:scaff ClassName

Please set the input rule and output path in the generated Scaffold class.

namespace App\Scaffolds;

use Takemo101\LaravelSimpleTempla\Scaffold\Scaffold;

// Must inherit from Scaffold class
class DemoScaffold extends Scaffold
     * Constructor injection is possible
    public function __construct()

     * get need command option validation rules
     * @return string[]
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'required',

     * get inout path sets
     * @param mixed[] $data
     * @return array<string,string|string[]>
    public function inoutPaths(array $data): array
        // You can create a class file using the template language from the file
        return [
            => app_path("Entity/{{ name|ucfirst }}Entity.php"),

Create a stub file as the output source.

// ./resources/stub/Entity.stub

namespace Stub\Entity\Demo{{ name|ucfirst }};

class Demo{{ name|ucfirst }}Entity
     * @var string
    private string $name = '{{ key|lower }}';

Set the created Scaffold class in the config.

// ./config/simple-sample.php

return [
    'scaffolds' => [
        'demo' => App\Scaffolds\DemoScaffold::class,

After setting the Scaffold class, run Artisan to create the file.

php artisan simple-templa:exec demo

Filter for Laravel

In the template language, you can use Filter using Laravel's Str class.

filter str method
camel Str::camel
headline Str::headline
kebab Str::kebab
lower Str::lower
markdown Str::markdown
plural Str::plural
pluralStudly Str::pluralStudly
reverse Str::reverse
singular Str::singular
slug Str::slug
snake Str::snake
studly Str::studly
title Str::title
ucfirst Str::ucfirst
upper Str::upper