
Laravel package for integrating with Tabby.

1.0.0 2024-10-24 14:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-25 13:14:14 UTC


The Tabby Laravel Package (tabbyai/laravel) provides an easy-to-use integration with Tabby, a payment gateway service, allowing developers to create seamless checkout sessions within their Laravel applications.


  • Create Tabby checkout sessions easily.
  • Set buyer, order, and shipping details.
  • Configurable success, cancel, and failure callbacks.
  • Support for various currencies, with SAR as default.
  • Fully customizable via the Tabby API.


To install the package via Composer, run:

composer require tabbyai/laravel


Initializing the Service

To use the Tabby Service, you need to initialize it with the required credentials (Merchant Code, Public Key, Secret Key, and optional Currency).

use Tabby\Services\TabbyService;

$tabbyService = new TabbyService(
    merchantCode: 'xxx',
    publicKey: 'xxx',
    secretKey: 'xxx'

Creating a Checkout Session

To create a checkout session, you will need the buyer’s information, buyer history, order details, order history, and shipping address.

use Tabby\Models\TabbyBuyer;
use Tabby\Models\TabbyBuyerHistory;
use Tabby\Models\TabbyOrder;
use Tabby\Models\TabbyOrderHistory;
use Tabby\Models\TabbyShippingAddress;
use Tabby\Models\TabbyOrderItem;

try {
    // Sample buyer data
    $buyer = new TabbyBuyer(
        phone: '500000001',
        email: '',
        name: 'John Doe',
        dob: '1990-01-01',

    // Sample buyer history data
    $buyerHistory = new TabbyBuyerHistory(
        registeredSince: '2020-01-01T14:15:22Z', // optional

    // Sample order data
    $order = new TabbyOrder(
        referenceId: 'order-001',
        items: [
            new TabbyOrderItem(
                title: 'Product Name',
                description: 'Product Description',
                quantity: 1,
                unitPrice: 100,
                referenceId: 'prod-001',
                category: 'electronics'

    // Sample order history data
    $orderHistory = new TabbyOrderHistory(
        amount: 0.0

    // Sample shipping address data
    $shippingAddress = new TabbyShippingAddress(
        city: 'Riyadh',
        address: 'Street Address',
        zip: '12345',

    // Create session and get the payment URL
    $webUrl = $tabbyService->createSession(
        amount: 100,
        buyer: $buyer,
        buyerHistory: $buyerHistory,
        order: $order,
        orderHistory: $orderHistory,
        shippingAddress: $shippingAddress,
        successCallback: '', // optional
        cancelCallback: '', // optional
        failureCallback: '', // optional
        lang: 'ar' // optional

    // Redirect to the payment page
    return redirect($webUrl);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle exceptions
    return response()->json(['error' => $e->getMessage()], 500);

Exception Handling

The package throws exceptions for any failed API requests or missing configuration. Ensure to handle them properly in your code to provide a smooth user experience.


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.