
Laravel package for integrating with Tabby.

2.1.1 2024-11-14 11:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-14 12:26:22 UTC


The Tabby Laravel Package (tabbyai/laravel) provides an easy-to-use integration with Tabby, a payment gateway service, allowing developers to create seamless checkout sessions within their Laravel applications.


  1. Easy Setup: Install via Composer and configure with API keys.

  2. Checkout Management: Create and retrieve checkout sessions, including payment URLs for easy redirection.

  3. Payment Management: Retrieve, update, capture, refund, close payments, and list payments with filters.

  4. Webhook Management: Register, retrieve, update, and delete webhooks to receive real-time event notifications.

  5. Error Handling: Built-in exception management for smoother integration and user experience.

How to Use

Step 1: Installation

To install the package via Composer, run:

composer require tabbyai/laravel

Step 2: Configuration

Before you use the TabbyService, make sure you have the required API keys and configuration values. You need:

  • merchantCode (your Tabby merchant code)
  • publicKey (your Tabby public key)
  • secretKey (your Tabby secret key)
  • currency (default is SAR but can be changed)

Step 3: Create an Instance of TabbyService

You need to initialize an instance of TabbyService by passing the necessary configuration values.

use Tabby\Services\TabbyService;

$tabbyService = new TabbyService(
    merchantCode: 'your_merchant_code',
    publicKey: 'your_public_key',
    secretKey: 'your_secret_key',
    currency: 'SAR' // Optional, default is SAR

Step 4: Using Checkout Functions

Creating a Checkout Session

To create a checkout session, you'll need the buyer's information, order details, and shipping address.

use Tabby\Models\Buyer;
use Tabby\Models\Order;
use Tabby\Models\ShippingAddress;
use Tabby\Models\OrderItem;

try {
    // Sample buyer data
    $buyer = new Buyer(
        phone: '500000001',
        email: '',
        name: 'John Doe',
        dob: '1990-01-01',

    // Sample order data
    $order = new Order(
        referenceId: 'order-001',
        items: [
            new OrderItem(
                title: 'Product Name',
                category: 'electronics',
                unitPrice: 100,
                quantity: 1,
                referenceId: 'prod-001',
                description: 'Product Description',

    // Sample shipping address data
    $shippingAddress = new ShippingAddress(
        city: 'Al-Khobar',
        address: 'Street Address',
        zip: '12345',

    // Create a checkout session
    $checkoutSession = $tabbyService->createSession(
        amount: 200,
        buyer: $buyer,
        order: $order,
        shippingAddress: $shippingAddress,
        description: 'order description',
        successCallback: '',
        cancelCallback: '',
        failureCallback: '',
        // lang: 'ar',            // optional
        // buyerHistory: $buyerHistory,   // optional
        // orderHistory: $orderHistory,   // optional

    // Fetch the payment url from the checkout session
    $paymentUrl = $checkoutSession->getPaymentUrl();

    // Redirect to the payment page
    return redirect($paymentUrl);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle exceptions
    return response()->json(['error' => $e->getMessage()], 500);

This will return a CheckoutSession object containing session details.

Retrieving a Checkout Session

To retrieve a previously created checkout session, use the session ID:

$checkoutSession = $tabbyService->retrieveCheckoutSession('session_id_here');

This will return a CheckoutSession object containing session details.

Step 5: Using Payment Functions

Retrieve a Payment

To retrieve details of a specific payment by its ID:

$payment = $tabbyService->retrievePayment('payment_id_here');

Update a Payment

$updatedPayment = $tabbyService->updatePayment(
    paymentId: 'payment_id_here',  // Payment ID
    referenceId: 'new_reference_id',  // Optional updated reference ID
    deliveryTracking: [
        ['tracking_number' => 'xxx', 'courier_code' => 'yyy']

Capture a Payment

Capture a payment after the transaction:

$capturedPayment = $tabbyService->capturePayment(
    paymentId: 'payment_id_here',  // Payment ID
    amount: 100.00, // Amount
    referenceId: 'reference_id_here' // Optional reference ID

Refund a Payment

$refundedPayment = $tabbyService->refundPayment(
    paymentId: 'payment_id_here',  // Payment ID
    amount: 50.00, // Amount to refund
    referenceId: 'reference_id_here', // Optional reference ID
    reason: 'refund reason' // Optional

Close a Payment

$closedPayment = $tabbyService->closePayment('payment_id_here');

List of Payments

list($payments, $pagination) = $tabbyService->listPayments(
    createdAtGte: '', // Optional
    createdAtLte: '', // Optional
    status: null, // Optional
    limit: 10, // Optional
    offset: 0, // Optional

Step 6: Using Webhook Functions

Register a Webhook

To register a new webhook for receiving events from Tabby:

$webhook = $tabbyService->registerWebhook(
    url: '',  // URL to receive webhook notifications
    isTest: true,  // Test mode (optional)
    headerTitle: 'Custom-Header-Title',  // Optional
    headerValue: 'Custom-Header-Value'  // Optional

Retrieve All Webhooks

To retrieve all registered webhooks:

$webhooks = $tabbyService->retrieveAllWebhooks();

Retrieve a Specific Webhook

$webhook = $tabbyService->retrieveWebhook('webhook_id_here');

Update a Webhook

$webhook = $tabbyService->updateWebhook(
    webhookId: 'webhook_id_here',
    url: '',  // URL to receive webhook notifications
    isTest: true,  // Test mode

Delete a Specific Webhook

$webhook = $tabbyService->deleteWebhook('webhook_id_here');

Exception Handling

The package throws exceptions for any failed API requests or missing configuration. Ensure to handle them properly in your code to provide a smooth user experience.

try {
    // your code
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // handle the error


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.