t3chn0crat / laravel-ldap-connector
Authenticate with and fecth data from LDAP in Laravel
- php: >=5.3.0
- adldap/adldap: 4.0-stable
- laravel/framework: ~5.0
Requires (Dev)
- mockery/mockery: dev-master
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-18 19:19:43 UTC
This package is a fork of dsdevbe's package (https://github.com/dsdevbe/ldap-connector).
This package will allow you to authenticate to and fetch data from LDAP using Laravel 5.0.x.
It uses adLDAP library to create a bridge between Laravel and LDAP. adLDAP requires PHP 5 and both the LDAP and SSL libraries
Install this package through Composer for Laravel v5.0:
composer require T3chn0crat/laravel-ldap-connector:dev-master
Change the authentication driver in the Laravel config to use the ldap driver. You can find this in the following file
'driver' => 'ldap',
must also have a valid model set. That model must includepublic function getAuthIdentifier() { if (isset($this->ldap)) { return $this->ldap->samaccountname; } }
Create a new configuration file
in the configuration folder of Laravelapp/config/ldap.php
and modify to your needs. For more detail of the configuration you can always check on adLDAP documentation
All of these are required
return [ 'account_suffix'=> "@domain.local", // Load balancing domain controllers, but only one is requried 'domain_controllers'=> [ "", "dc02.domain.local" ], 'base_dn' => 'DC=domain,DC=local', // AD attributes to get http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms675090%28v=vs.85%29.aspx 'fields' => [ 'company', 'department', 'displayname', 'homephone', 'mail', 'memberof', 'mobile', 'primarygroupid', 'samaccountname', 'telephonenumber', 'title', ] ];
Once this is done you arrived at the final step and you will need to add a service provider. Open
, and add a new item to the providers array.'T3chn0crat\LdapConnector\LdapConnectorServiceProvider'
The LDAP plugin is an extension of the AUTH class and will act the same as normal usage with Eloquent driver.
if (Auth::attempt(array('username' => $email, 'password' => $password))) { return Redirect::intended('dashboard'); }
You can find more examples on Laravel Auth Documentation on using the Auth::
Getting LDAP fields
All the LDAP fields are stored in the Auth::user()->ldap
object as public properties.
Email: {{ Auth::user()->ldap->mail }} Department {{ Auth::user()->ldap->department }}
LdapUserObject Methods
- isMemberOf($group)
Will test a user to see if they are a member of the passed in group. Returns a bool
if (Auth::user()->ldap->isMemberOf('Git Hub Users')) { return 'yes'; }
Getting all users
You can use the LdapService object and getAllUsersWithFields to return a Laravel Collection of LdapUserObjects.
$ldap = App::make('T3chn0crat\LdapConnector\LdapService', [Config::get('ldap')]); $collection = $ldap->getAllUsersWithFields();
You can now apply all the collection function to it. The results will be a collection of LdapUserObjects
$test = $collection->where('mail', 'test@foo.com'); $department = $test->department;