
DBVersioning is a database versioning tool created to help teams working with local database.

0.0.1.beta 2016-05-02 11:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 19:55:40 UTC


    ____  ____ _    __               _             _            
   / __ \/ __ ) |  / /__  __________(_)___  ____  (_)___  ____ _
  / / / / __  | | / / _ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/
 / /_/ / /_/ /| |/ /  __/ /  (__  ) / /_/ / / / / / / / / /_/ / 
/_____/_____/ |___/\___/_/  /____/_/\____/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, /  
                                                       /____/   version 0.0.1

DBVersioning - PHP-based database versioning


Clone DBVersioning from github:

    $ git clone

Note: To install it globaly, copy the bin/dbversioning and dbversioning.php scripts in your bin folder: /usr/local/bin.

Then it done. Juste run:

    $ php dbversioning.php [commands] [options]

Or if you have installed it globaly:

    $ dbversioning [commands] [options]

NOTE: Add the dbv/data/meta folder to you ..gitignoire or any source management system. And the /dbv/data/dbv.json as well.


We assume you're using one of the two install methods. So we omit the tool name before the command.Refer above for more explanation.

    $ command [options] [arguments]
    $ command -H for help.

For exemple:

    $ dbversioning init -H

Will print:

    init [options]
  -d    Database name.
  -h    Server host name. Default: localhost.
  -u    Database user. Default: root.
  -p    Database password.
  -t    [optional] The table to export.
  -T    [optional] The list of table to export
  --path  [optional] The dbv folder path. Default: dbv
    The init command initialize DBVersioning by reading and saving database records in the 'dbv/data/records/table_name.json'.


    -v          Display the application version.

    -h, --help  Display this help message.

The following commands are currently supported:

    init    Initialize DBVersioning by reading and saving records.

    update      Update saved records

    diff    Create the revision file to update the database