
2.1.6 2023-11-21 07:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 09:10:23 UTC


Magento 2 Product Visibility Grid

Did you every wonder why your product is not showing up in a category in Magento?

Magento has a complex way of building a product collection. Due to several conditions, indexes, plugins and other complexities determining whether a product should show is not that straightforward.

This grid will make your life easier. It shows the different "visibility conditions" in columns and whether a product is or isn't showing up in your category (collection).

  • Determine whether a product is showing in category (yes/no)
  • Columns per index/condition
  • Reindex per product
  • Mass reindex selection

Table of Contents


  • Magento: >= 2.3
  • PHP: >= 7.0
  • Composer


  • Add the module to composer:

      composer require itonomy/productvisibilitygrid
  • Add the new entry in app/etc/config.php, under the 'modules' section:

      'Itonomy_ProductVisibilityGrid' => 1,
  • Clear cache

      'php bin/magento c:f'



Or through the menu:

Feel free to contribute and if there are any problems don't hesitate to open an issue.


  • Updated to version 1.0.0 to achieve a first version
  • Updated to version 1.0.1 adding readme and fixing bug regarding filtering website/store
  • Updated to version 1.0.2 bugfixes and moving "is_visible_in_cat" to subselect
  • Updated to version 1.0.3 bugfixes PHPCS feedback "echo 'a'"
  • Updated to version 1.0.4 bugfixes DI compile error
  • Updated to version 1.0.5 Update for webshop not using flat tables
  • Updated to version 1.0.6 Fix SQL error when no products are in Magento
  • Updated to version 1.0.7 Fix for 2.1.8 support and fix for null values in "visible in category"
  • Updated to version 1.0.8 Update some documentation, minor fixes.
  • Updated to version 2.0.0 Magento 2.3 compatablity. Magento 2.2 support is dropped. Fixed #12 and #13
  • Updated to version 2.1.0 Magento Fixing issues for compatibility with commerce and root category issue
  • Updated to version 2.1.1 Fix on broken query + removal of in flat table column due to deprecation
  • Updated to version 2.1.2 Fix broken module name


  • Jerrol Etheredge (former co-worker who created the M1 version)
