
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.1) of this package.

1.0.1 2020-04-22 12:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 07:00:21 UTC


New York City by Frank Tilghman to take over security at his club/bar, the Double Deuce, in Jasper, Missouri. Tilghman plans to invest substantial money into the club to enhance its image and needs a first-rate cooler to maintain stability.

  • It's a good night. Nobody died

This library helps to create Remessa file to Banks and Read Return file from Banks.


Install the package using composer:

$ composer require sympla/double-deuce ~1.0

That's it.


The banks need a file in a format cnab. With the Person data like Identify Document, Address and Bank Account the library can create a file in right format to process


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use DoubleDeuce\RemessaExport;
use DoubleDeuce\Itau;
use DoubleDeuce\Data;

// create person identities
$company = createCompany();
$favored1 = createFavored1();
$favored2 = createFavored2();
$segments = [];

//create each segment intance
$itauFileHeader = new Itau\ItauFileHeader($company);
$itauHeader = new Itau\ItauHeader($company, "LOTE PARA PAGAMENTO");
$segments[] = new Itau\ItauSegmentA($favored1, 2250.55);
$segments[] = new Itau\ItauSegmentB($favored1);
$segments[] = new Itau\ItauSegmentA($favored2, 127895.77, "ID 10 PAGAMENTO");
$segments[] = new Itau\ItauSegmentB($favored2);

//export data in right format
$export = new RemessaExport(
    new Itau\ItauRemessa,
    new Itau\ItauFooter,
    new Itau\ItauFooterFile,
    ... array_values($segments)
$dataFile = $export->toString();
file_put_contents('remessa_itau.txt', $dataFile);

example to create a person like above createCompany() or createFavored1()


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use Sympla\DoubleDeuce\Data;

//It is the same proccess to createCompany() 
function createFavored() {
    //create identity
    $favoredIdenty = new Data\IdentifyDocument("Jhon Doe", "99028359028");

    //create address
    $favoredAddress = new Data\Address(
        "Rua comum",
        "São Bento",

    //create bank account
    $favoredBank = new Data\BankAccount(70, 1, 69875, "9");

    //create a Person
    $favored = new Data\Person($favoredIdenty, $favoredAddress, $favoredBank);

Read Return File


use DoubleDeuce\Itau\ItauSegmentA;
use DoubleDeuce\Itau\ItauSegmentZ;
use DoubleDeuce\ReadReturn;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    //load file as string
    file = file_get_contents(__dir__ . 'RETURN_ITAU.txt');

    //set file and segments to read return 
    $readReturn =  new ReadReturn($file, new ItauSegmentA(), new ItauSegmentZ());

    //can read one or many segments
    $readReturn2 =  new ReadReturn($file, new ItauSegmentA());

    //bring all segments in array format

More examples

There is more detailed example in [examples](examples path)


Fabrício Cunha


This project is distributed under the MIT License. Check [LICENSE][] for more information.