Sign files, xml content and verify signatures using XAdES
6 0
Domain events for Doctrine ODM and ORM
533 1
Anzu common services, utils and helpers
8 412 0
Interfaces, traits and abstract classes used in AnzuSystems ecosystem.
10 933 1
Dam core bundle
1 821 0
Serializer bundle.
10 941 0
Build a fully-featured hypermedia or GraphQL API in minutes!
37 883 483 2 502
API Platform Elasticsearch bridge
6 270 2
Generate a JSON Schema from a PHP class
441 263 10
A library with a few tools, to auto document your API
2 427 5
Monorepo of the Apie library
Core functionality of the Apie library.
8 384 0
Apiera PHP SDK composer library.
15 1
Boilerplate for Symfony
28 1
Toolbox for Symfony
763 0